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Share Your Story & Win GottaDeal.com Black Friday Survival Kits! [Winners Chosen!]


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My first Black Friday experience was about 15 years ago, when my mother and I decided to see first hand what all the fuss was about on BF. Our family and friends thought we were crazy getting up so early to stand in lines for hours. We didn't know what to expect, being our first time doing BF, but we were feeling excited about the whole experience. Our first stop was Toys R Us - we got there around 3:00 in the morning and there were about 100 people already waiting in line. I couldn't believe it. So we got in line and started talking to the people around us. Suprising to us, time went by pretty fast and before we knew it, the store was opening. We managed to get everything we were looking for and a few that we added at the last minute. It was a great 1st experience and I'm happy to say that we've had 15 years of good and exciting BF's. I stumbled onto your great website about 3 years ago and have used it for all my shopping needs especially during BF and Christmas. Happy shopping to all you.
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I don't really have a spectacular story, but this will be my 6th BF! Looking back my first black Friday was lame compared to the future years. I was with my MIL and DH and we stared out at Micheals and then went to BB (2 hours after it opened) lol. I did end up getting the mixer we wanted from BB when JCP PMd it...so I guess that made it a success! Each BF after has gotten more interesting...2 years ago was a nightmare at CC trying to get our TV PAd...ended up getting it PMd at UE. Can't wait till this year!!!
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Gotta Love Black Friday and GottaDeal will make it happen. :) I check this site numerous times each day to see the deals that have been posted; it's like a addiction, I can't stop! My family and I will hit the stores early this Black Friday getting in line to get the best deals. It's like a game and I play HARD:
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So last BF i was visiting my in laws in small town Oklahoma. Traditionally after Thanksgiving dinner everyone goes to the bar to see old chums and whatnot and although i intended only to go make a quick round of hello's and leave to get some z's before the morning throw down i ended up shutting the place down with my posse and leaving just in time to get home and gather my BF ads and head out..

The bad news was that i was about 3 sheets to wind in 5 inch heels (not so great for the shopping), but the good news was that my mom was kind enough to drive me and the heels actually helped me score some electronics at walmart because my already 5'11 self could outreach many other shoppers when they were randomly just shoving things out of boxes.. so score for me!!


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well as an avid BF shopper. Several years ago at Circuit City they have large screen tv for dirt cheap with a home stereo dvd player bundle. Well, I went the night before BF and asked one of the clerks where they were going to set up that particular item. He told me exactly where and the nearest cashier that was going to be opened at that time in the morning (not the one you would normally go to). That morning I was there before the doors opened and knew exactly where to run and get my purchase to that cashier. I saw the same clerk as I was leaving and slipped him a $20 for his breakfest. In and out of the store within 15 minutes. BEST BF ever had.
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I live in a uppity part of South Orange County California where people are WAY above arguing over toys right??? Wrong. I was at Toys R Us four years ago when there was a Barbie dreamhouse on sale. This was my husbands first Black Friday and I warned him that I basically went out more for people watching than deals. Any who two ladies started DUKING IT OUT in the middle of Toys R US for the stupid thing. YOu know how hard it is to navigate those aisles anyway...imagine a fight breaking out and the COPS trying to squeeze between people and their deals. AMAZING!!! Two grown women being hauled off kicking and screaming from a TOYS R US all over a stupid Barbie house.



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Last Year because of 'GottaDeal' we saw that Walmart was having a secret sale on H.P. Laptops. We have a 24 hour Walmart in town, not sure if the sale was legit, we decided to go anyway and see if we could get one. First in line two hours before the sale started at the electronics section of the store, the Walmart employees said they did ot know anything about the sale, we waited. About a dozen others showed up and stuck around as well. Our patience paid off, the manager showed up with a pallet at 6am and handed all of us our laptops. Not a single push, fight, or bad experience that morning. Gotta love GottaDeal!:razz:
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This will be my 6th year for Black Friday. I've missed one when dd had a raging kidney infection, so that was the most eventful. The runner up was 2 years ago when I got stopped by the police in the middle of a snowstorm at 3 am. My eyes are bloodshot, no traffic on the road, I'm weaving trying to stay on the road when it's covered with snow. The guy must've thought I was drunk! He asked me if I knew my headlight was out, and without coffee yet, I started rambling on about how I knew it looked darker than usual. He asked me what I was doing, and when he heard I was heading to town to shop, he decided I was too crazy to deal with, and let me go!
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My first Black Friday was two years ago. My neighbor took me. We barely made it down the road and a local cop pulled her over for speeding. We had to drop-off our kids at a babysitters. By the time we made it to the stores, the lines were wrapping down the sidewalks. We did not get very many items. Everything was picked over.
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I was trying to get a WII a few years back at Wal-Mart. I actually had some guys, who I had seen before black friday buying them up, in the store again in line, I had heard conversations betweem them, and they were making people buy one per family, huring the poor ebayers. So I told the worker they were together in hopes they would have enough for me to get one. Well I ended up not getting one, then they cornered my car, threatened me, and I had to get store security and the cops to look at the security cameras and get the license plate numbers to find them. They threatened to come to my house since they had my plate number. All of this for a WII that I didn't get, but much to my surprise I opened one up from my fiancee on Christmas morning.
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Not to much excitement for me. One year i was up around 5 AM or so on Thanksgiving and looking at the newspaper all day and all night and was to tired to go to black Friday. I can not let that take place anymore.I got to go to black Friday. I used to go to Sears when they had the $10 gift cards, but i have not seen any drama. I think most of the drama on black friday is at Wal mart,and i have not been there on black Friday.
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I usually get up around 5:00 am run to all the stores I have on my list and go back home before the kids get up. I remember standing in line forever to get DS's one year. Its so fun and I can't wait to do it again. Last year I was sick with the flu and still went. Yuck.
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Over 20 years ago I was a cashier in a store on X-Mas Eve. 2 women came into the store & told me they were there to do their ENTIRE Christmas shopping. What an ordeal it was for them to fill their list. Somehow they finished their shopping with only minutes to spare before close and checked out. They told me they do this every year and would have it no other way. I just shook my head.
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The 5 winners of GottaDeal.com Black Friday Survival Kits, chosen randomly from all eligible entries, are:








Congrats, and you'll be getting a PM from me shortly :D


For everyone else, the next week-long contest is open here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=153140


and as we did last year, we'll have random "quick hit" contests now through Black Friday, so keep checking back often :)

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