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Posts posted by jade6700

  1. I love EVERYTHING about Black Friday. It's my 2nd favorite day of the year (Christmas is #1). I love all the research and planning beforehand. I love scanning websites to see which ones go live and when so I can grab the deals online. I love going out shopping in the wee hours of the morning w/my Gingerbread Latte in hand. I love talking to people in line while we wait to get in the store. And I love saving my family money so we have more for other things we need the rest of the year.
  2. My store had nothing left so I just picked up a couple of things.


    Question about how you got your free item, I was told I couldn't get my free item even though I had spent over $15. That I had to come back in another day or make yet another $15+ purchase in order to get it. Is that how it worked for you? I could have sworn in years past you could do it right then and there w/o additional purchases. One check out girl was doing it the way I remember, my check out girl swore that was not right. Go figure. My store has been going down hill for the past year. So sad.

  3. I was able to get one from QVC Friday (32GB bundle with TouchStone and case $199). It originally went live for a few minutes and sold out. I kept refreshing and about an hour later more were available and that is when I scored one (finally!). Other people did the same and were able to get them off and on from QVC Friday night. Rumor is that QVC is getting more possibly this Wed. So if anyone is still looking and doesn't mind paying for the bundle, you may want to check them. And don't give up if you miss it, just refresh every so often and you may luck out. Good luck to those still hunting!
  4. The first ON I went to didn't get any in. They told me that they were considered a "hot" store and those didn't receive any. So I went to the ON outlet. I got there about 10 min before they opened and there were about 10 people in line ahead of me. We all went straight for the scarves. They only had a few and they were way up high. It was madness! I managed to get 3 but many people didn't get any. They were BOGO so that was a bonus.
  5. Do you have a Costco membership or know someone who does? They had big ones there earlier and I've seen a few left at my local store. He's $19.99 I believe and if I'm not mistaken, his nose lights up.


    I know CVS used to have one almost every year so I'd check there too if you have the time. Or maybe give your store a call.


    Good luck! I hope you find her one. :)

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