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Everything posted by ColleenzKids

  1. Oh THANK you Brad!! I have been living on this site today! LOL Since, in the spirit of the holidays, I am looking for a deal for my Best friend from Target, would you be so kind as to tell me if they have a cd/stereo on sale this year?
  2. ColleenzKids

    Video Chairs

    I have been looking for these as well, but I cannot find them any cheaper than the BF ad at BB. Walmart wants $129 for theirs!
  3. Not sure, but I know I got my call from Target at like 2:00 pm! LOL Good thing I didn't rely on that! I set my dual alarm clock, AND my cell phone..you know, in case there is a freak storm and the electricity goes out! LOL
  4. Is this the one that comes in Red or Green, and goes through snow, sand, etc.? (Tyco) Just wanted you to know that this also requires a $30 flex pack battery for it to work. So you are really looking at $90! Last year TRU had a deal one week (can't remember if it was BF) where you got the charger for free. Just didn't want you to be disappointed (if this is the same way).
  5. I log on MANY MANY times a day, saying to myself.. PLEASE TARGET, PLEASE TARGET...lol Then I wait, as the page loads...NOPE, not yet..but you better believe I will be on CONSTANTLY tomorrow~ LOL
  6. OMG, I thought it said the SAME THING!!! LMAO I was thinking 'hmm, maybe it is a pageant at the local mall???" :lolrun:
  7. I am pretty sure that all of the Kmart's stopped pm'ing about a year ago.
  8. Hmmm, think they will honor it? LOL Doubtful huh?? Can you tell me where this ad was? Thanks!!
  9. Excellent, working for me now! FYI, what I meant about the links is no matter what store i chose, the ACE ad came up. lol All better now!!!!
  10. I am having problems also. I only get the one page, and when I click on any of the other store links, the list stays the same! I cannot see any other store now but KMART!
  11. Just a heads up! Last year I went through the list (thanks to Gottadeal!) and put the items in my cart ahead of time. I checked my cart on Thanksgiving day, and they were all the Black Friday prices!!! By doing this, I didn't have to worry about getting to TRU for the doorbusters, and instead headed to Wal Mart! I got everything I wanted!!! HTH!
  12. I think I would use that $100 to get me some much needed pampering on Black Friday!! Imagine, after a day of craziness.........an Hour long massage, pedicure, or manicure perhaps. Ahhhh, just thinking about it........................ lol
  13. Sorry, had to respond to this... First, you are lumping everyone into one category. Not EVERYONE out there is a jerk. I can tell you MOST people I have encountered AREN'T! What I witness is people going out of their way to hand you a dvd player out of your reach, or to give you an opinion on a toy they may already own, or to pass ads over to your register so you can price match. I always greet the cashiers with a smile, ask how they are holding up, and to tell them I appreciate how hard their day is. What do you really care what JUNK people buy? Know what, a lot of that Junk I have has lasted longer than the expensive JUNK i have purchased over the years. Put a smile on your face, and I bet you, you will be greeted with one as well. oh, and for the record...I have worked at Toys R Us on Black Friday. Cheer up..it's only one day! LOL
  14. Oh, I have to add one of the worst STARTS I have ever had to Black Friday. My sil came to pick me up at 4am, and As I get ready to leave, I realize, I cannot find my wallet! No cash, no cc's, no license! I was FREAKING out trying to find it! So I wake DH up...and he helps me look. All i can think of is "OMG, i cannot believe I am not going to be able to go BF shopping!" lol So in a matter of minutes, he goes out to the car..in the pitch black..and somehow finds my WALLET, laying outside the passenger side door! To this day, I cannot believe he found it..and so fast! The day was saved! LOL
  15. We always have a good time on BF. We get into the holiday spirit, help out a fellow shopper, and laugh at the A-holes that also venture out that day! LOL One of the CRAZIEST things I saw, was some IDIOT lifting a cart in walmart, UP OVER HIS HEAD...ABOVE a jammed packed electronics department trying to get through. PEOPLE were FREAKING On him! LOL As they should be...he could have killed someone if it had fallen!
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