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  1. Well... Before I dropped some bucks here, I checked with 2 different stores, in person, in my area and ALL the return/PM policies online and was told/read that I have 30 days for the price matching and that is policy. Again, this was told to me by the store managers themselves. And this applies to items that may go on sale BF. One Mgr told me that if as long as I bring in the receipt for the purchased item during said sale time, be it 1 week, 30 minutes, 7 hours, the price would be matched. I was also told that they don't want an unhappy customer so more than likely, they would likely match the price. In all honesty, we're lucky to see these deals but it wouldn't be fair to those who don't have access and who do purchase said item prior to these sales. If I were one of these customers, I'd raise some Cain. I brought this point up to one of the managers and he completely agreed. So anyways, that's my two cents.
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