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Posts posted by ShawnainKY02

  1. Whenever all of the kids are up and we can drag our old bodies out of the bed. We are usually up until 3 or 4 wrapping presents the night before, but they don't know that. So we are usually going on 3 or 4 hours of sleep that day. And they we get to see those hours of work wrapping those presents shreaded in minutes.
  2. BF is not BF without... the nightmares where you either oversleep or can't find Wal-Mart or forget that it is BF.

    ... listening to someone complain about being there.

    ... running into someone you haven't seen in months and compairing your bargains.

    ... taking breakfast home to the kids, who have slept while you are out to get all of the bargains at these ungodly hours, and being told that they don't want to get up yet.

    ... buying stuff that you did not plan.

    ... standing in line at lay-away for longer than it took you to get all of your stuff.

    ... that other person who is just waiting for you to look away from you stuff, because you have the size/color/whatever that they want.

  3. My MIL. My husband collect Coca Cola stuff. So, one year, she got me Coke stuff. Last year she got me a gardinia bath set. (I don't like flowery sents. And everyone knows it.) One year she got me a big bottle of musk. (Again another one of those things that everyone knows that I don't wear. I hardly ever wear perfume and when I do it is something fruity. Musk smells like cat urine on me-- no joke.) Another year, she got me these big, awful earrings. They were these 2 inch wide silver filagree diamond shaped montrosities, with dozens of 2 inch long tiny chains hangin off of them. Studs and small hoop are all I ever wear and all she has ever seen me in. Not sure if she thought that I needed a style change or what. :) I have a little girl who was around 6 at the time. Since her ears are pierced, I thought that I would give them to here to wear for dress up. She wouldn't even take them. She didn't know where I had gotten them, when she looked at them, she said that they were too ugly. Then came the awkward part, my MIL asked my DH why she hadn't seen me wear them. He is an excellent fibber though and told her that I loved them, but that they kept getting hung in my hair and pulling on my ears, so I couldn't wear them. My husband and I have been married almost 10 years. Sometimes when I go to open presents from her, I wonder if she has ever met me. But, I love her, and would never tell her that I didn't like anything.
  4. I really want one of the snowglobes. But they are too rich for my blood right now. Don't know if I will be able to get one after Christmas either, as I believe that my Wal-marthas already sold out of them. Don't know if they will get more or not. Can only hope.
  5. frying pan cookies


    sugar cookies w/ homemade frosting


    What are frying pan cookies? I thought that I knew every sweet treat around, but this one, I have not heard of.

  6. We don't have a theme. Each year we take the 3 kids and each of us picks a new ornament. So, we never know what is going t be added from year to year. We have everything from Winnie the Pooh and Harry Potter to crystal stars and ceramic purses. Everyone who comes to the house, love to look at all of the ornaments and see what all is there. Plus, when the kids go out on their own one day, they will already have a tree full of ornaments.
  7. We use white lights and this year my theme will be Disney. WOOHOO!! I can't wait. I have always wanted a Disney themed tree. I am a huge Disney freak. I got a Tinkelbelle tree topper and tree skirt and all the ornaments are Disney caracters.


    Oh to be able to have a Tinkerbell Tree!! Tink is the greatest Disney character ever!!... well one of the greatest... but she has to be my favorite.:D

  8. I love those things!! My little one doesn't know the difference between walls and paper sometimes. There were marks on my walls that had been on the there for months and I had tried all types of cleaner on it. But that little piece of magic took care of them. I have tried the ones at The Dollar Tree, they are pretty good too. I do think that they wear out a little quicker than the others, but not enough to make the me want to pay the difference in the cost.
  9. Well, our Wal-mart is a 24 hr store also. So, what they do is bring the stuff out on pallets and it is wrapped in black plastic or brown paper or some other non see thru barrier. Then at 6 am the rip it off and get out of the way. From my experience, it doesn't matter what time you get there, as long as you are back by the pallets by 6am. And that is a fight all in it's own, I usually head out about 5am (I only live 5 minutes from the store) and work my way back and try to find the items that I am looking for. In my store, Toys and Electronics are the most popular areas, so I always start there. Clothes next, as they never seem to bring in enough to get everyone. Then, if I want anything else, I go from there. Hope this helps.
  10. Every year we have the cops called to our bf at Wal-Mart. People are crazy. The year that Furbies came out a friend of mine stood in line for one, as they were trying not to have fights over them. So, they had everyone get in line, then they were passed out. If you didn't get one, they were giving rain checks, so no big deal right?? Wrong. She is about 5'1". As she was walking through the store grown men were trying to take it out of her hands. She ended up carrying it with her arms wrapped around it until she got back to us and my husband could walk her to the front of the store.

    Also had someone (as I have mentioned in other posts) threaten to cut my husband over a jeep power wheels.

  11. Well actually it was a nightmare. Last night I dreamt that it was BF but I didn't know until I was driving around an saw the lines. So I parked at Best Buy and ran in with everyone else. Only I had no idea what was on sale. So I was running around the store looking for the deals and by the time I got to one, everything was gone!!!!


    Bad dream bad bad dream. Hubby didn't understand.


    I have had nightmares about missing BF before too. Usually the old I overslept dream. Though one year I dreampt that that I could not find the stores.

  12. You seem to care about her enough to want to find her something nice, even though she turns her nose up. I think that's very sweet of you. But if I were in your shoes, I'd get her a card and small gift card to a store you KNOW she frequents. Like the grocery store or Target (hey... everyone goes to Target... sometimes. :tongue1: ).


    Don't stress yourself out trying to figure out anything for her. Let her turn up her nose at that grocery store gift certificate, as that's what she'll be getting for years to come. :giggle: I'm not even grumpy today. :trampolin


    I have to agree. If she doesn't even like the stuff that she picks out, she isn't going to be pleased with anything. So, go with a gift card and don't stress. Holidays are too stressfull without it being made more so by someone who doesn't appreciate the thought and care that you put into picking out a special gift for them. Or make a donation to a worthy cause in their name. Atleast that way you will know that it is appreciated by someone. :D

  13. Not sure if you have them in your area, but Big-Lots is usually pretty quiet, even with a decent sale of BF. I think it is because everyone is at Wal-Mart. Which, on the other hand, is a mad house. Cops are usually called due to fighting. Had a guy threaten to cut my husband over a Jeep Powerwheel a couple of years ago. The year of the Furby a friend of mine was carrying hers through the store and people were trying to take it out of her hands. A woman punched another woman out over a gameboy a couple of years ago too. These people act crazy. I mean a great deal is one thing, but they get crazy!

    So, I just want to say, be safe in your BF quest.

  14. I have the same thing happen, but at Wal-Mart. (The being followed by the "shopper". It is really funny though, because I use to work there and I know who they are. I asked a friend who still works there about it and he said that they do that to anyone who comes in a WHOLE lot, like I do. I guess they don't trust anyone who spends that much money with them. I guess they don't realize that in a small town like mine (no TARGET, K-Mart, nothing) that they are the only place to go to, without traveling 45 minutes to an hour.

    I think it is funny though, because they obviously don't realize that I know who they are.

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