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Everything posted by masilke

  1. MERRY AFTER CHRISTMAS SALES TO ME!!!!!! Thank you!!!!
  2. This would be SO AWESOME!!!! Thanks! Got my confirmation email, Item is backordered. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
  3. masilke

    tru - xbox 360

    I couldn't agree more, we were there around 2 pm and TRU was just a sad site to be seen..............
  4. Kandy don't feel bad I was in Dothan today and didn't stop by ................
  5. I have lots of different calphalon and love each piece..... i buy mine on clearance or amazon. Thanks for the update.
  6. I couldn't agree more..........Count me in, I will be here.....
  7. Price now is $19.44 thanks for the Bill blass Update!!!
  8. :) Oh that rings so true, my daughter helped me one day cutting out coupons and cut only half if even that much of the Manufacturers/ date part, they wouldn't take it....... So now I know better. Anyways as far as sites here it goes. www.military.com has coupons under SGT Saver www.smartsource.com www.biggcereal.com www.homemadesimple.com www.kraft.com there is a military section you can sign up for http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=robo&ei=UTF-8&p=free%20coupons also feel free to check out the coupons and freebie forum on this site. There are tons of links to free coupons........... HTH...................
  9. I know the feeling, every new duty station you have to feel out the commissary, I used to be really nice to the cashiers, filling out the dollar amount in the free coupons. etc. till one of them got nasty with me.......Like I am trying to cheat the commissary out of 99cents..........haha......
  10. Yes, the same happened to me before, I try to go with my usual cashier, she just punches it in if it doesn't scan.
  11. We're sorry. This promotion is not available at this time.Please check the promotion start and end dates on your coupon.
  12. Actually DECA policy has changed. All Commissaries HAVE to accept internet printed coupons with the exception of FREE items.......... Commissaries are again accepting computer-generated Internet coupons with a couple of requirements to guard against fraud, Defense Commissary Agency officials announced. Recently, all 273 commissaries around the world began accepting computer-generated Internet coupons that meet the following criteria: they must have a bar code that store checkouts can scan and they cannot be for free product. Photocopied or facsimile-generated coupons remain unacceptable at all commissaries. "Internet coupons are a popular medium customers use to save money, so we wanted to work out a way to provide this service. We’ve analyzed this issue and these requirements should adequately protect us against fraud while giving our customers the kind of the service they want," said Scott Simpson, DeCA’s chief operating officer. DeCA as well as other grocery retailers had stopped accepting home-printed coupons in September 2003 as an interim measure while the grocery industry grappled with losses incurred because of their fraudulent use. Analysts estimated the loss by coupon fraud to be millions of dollars to the grocery industry, which ultimately costs consumers in the form of raised prices to recoup losses. Later this month, the agency’s Web site, www.commissaries.com, will re-establish links to Internet grocery coupon sites for the convenience of commissary shoppers. Here is a link to the actual DECA Policy, it doesn't hurt to print it out and have it handy in case the cashier gives you a hard time. http://home.triad.rr.com/coupon/direct.htm
  13. I printed my $1.00 cherioos coupon offline. you can do so by joining the Big G club.......lol http://www.biggcerealclub.com/ the get one free coupons were at the entrance of the Commisary for me. hope this helps
  14. COMMISSARY ALERT!!!! Yoghurt Vanilla Blast Cherioos!!!!! on sale for $1.49 GM Promo coupon B2G1 reg. Cherioos FREE so 2 boxes Vanilla Burst @ $1.49 = $2.99 - $1.00 off two boxes of Cherioos = $1.99 1 box reg. Cherioos @ $3.39 - free coupon= $0.00 3 boxes of Cherioos for $1.99 .........not bad
  15. COMMISSARY ALERT!!!! I picked up Progresso Mircowaveable soup on sale for $1.09 a bowl this month General mills flyer. Buy two Progresso Mircowaveable soup get one free. Plus on the shelf there are $1.00 off 4 so here is the math. 4 bowls @ $1.09= $4.36 - $1.00 off Coupon= $3.36 2 bowls @ $1.09= $2.18 - FREE Coupon = $0.00 6 bowls of Progresso Soup for $3.36 !!!!!! Needless to say I came home with 36 bowls.............
  16. You had to print out the rebate form the day your purchased it. If you need to pm me and i will email you a copy............... lol great minds do think alike.........sorry for the repost
  17. That is exactly why I stayed home last night!!!! We always get shafted here!!!! The bigger BX up north...(waves at Becca! ) gets all the good stuff and we are stuck with the left overs..................OH well..............maybey hubby gets a transfer soon.............
  18. Our Midnight Madness is tonight. Posted are 50% all outerwear, extra 25% off all clearance, 25% Christmas Merchandise......... plus unadvertised in store specials........... Any update on the flyer yet???
  19. whoo hoo................any news on the midnight madness this thursday???? keep me posted. Thanks.........
  20. Thanks for the update, I am a day late, but bought mine on BF as well.....Keep those deals of the day coming.
  21. Thanks for that, but I am boycotting hallmark.com.....
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