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Posts posted by SueInCali

  1. We seem to get the newspaper here late, sometimes too late to create a gameplan. Last years paper for instance, had hardly any of the BF sale ads. :mad:


    That's when I said to myself, "Myself, I am going to depend on the GOTTA DEAL, BF website for all my gameplanning". It worked out superdeedooper. I had a complete list (Thanks to Brad, Ross and everyone else that contributed). I got my hubby awake, he didn't seem too enthused (cold water did the trick) and rounded up a GF from work and off we went. Wrote a list of stores and also item #'s when I could.


    I was also successful getting sale items online at a few places, so that saved me some driving and time. Once again, thanks to this website for the heads up.


    Not sure what I want this year. I need to see what is out there before I commit to anything special. I am sure hubby will head for Ace Hardware and Radio Shack. I'll probably get more adventurous as it gets closer.

  2. Ross- thanks so much for giving me this info! Not that I understand it 100%, but I know a lot more than I did earlier.


    Now, I have a internal DVD player on my desktop. Hubby installed it :rolleyes: , so it basically doesn't work. lol On the door, it says DVD..below that ROM/R/RW. On to the side of that, it says CD ReWritable. For the life of me, I have tried to just play a DVD and have no luck. I d/l PC Friendly and that works as well as my hubby does on computers (meaning zippo). I remember it working at one time after d/l some program.


    I don't think it's a burner though. Would it tell me right on the DVD door? Seeing how this thing doesn't work all that great, do you think it would be better off just to get that linked DVD burner you recommended?


    And, how would I ARCHIVE a DVD with just that without another DVD source? I have a CD ROM that came with this Dell (2400, I think). Needless to say, it will probably be me installing this. (oh help us! :eek: ) Would I have to get rid of the CD ROM and install another DVD player drive to ARCHIVE ( ;) ).


    So, I wanna make sure I get the right stuff.


    That reman unit sounds intriguing. I just am hedging on whether I should get a Tivo or do the DVR thingy (with Moxi...whatever that is!) from my cable company.


    Then again, I could buy a Go Video (or like that) DVD/DVD recorder (to ARCHIVE) and then get the DVR from the cable company?


    As far as hubby goes, this :fryingpan and this :wife: are much easier and as effective than :chairshot:giggle:


    I REALLY appreciate your expertise. If you EVER need any help on shoes.......ask Mugs! ;)

  3. Okay, color me clueless here with this new fangled technology! :tongue1:


    I need some help in figuring out IF I want one of these. I see they have gone down in price a bit and am wondering if the masses here find if this is something that you use enough to warrant a purchase.


    Not that I would do ANYTHING of the sort ;) But........if one would rent a DVD say... from video store X, could this item be used to record said DVD? Just wondering...


    We have one of those Go Video VHS/DVD players, I guess I can transfer VHS to DVD. But, I need to hop into the 21st century here! I have seen that they have a DVD/DVD unit as well. Is this what I am looking for?


    As far as Tivo, I am even more lost. :confused:


    We have Digital cable here (HBO,Starz,etc) and I think the cable company offers some DVR thingy for like $15 a month. Would this be the same as going out and buying a Tivo w/o having to shell out the purchase for the Tivo?


    Ross- I read that there was some deal in the past at CC (maybe?) that it was FAR for a Tivo? Anticipate any other specials like that or are offers like this commonplace?


    I just wanna know the facts before I may have to shell out $ for possibly something I really don't need and taken to the cleaners.


    Of course, hubby is no help! :fryingpan (Don't tell him that!)

  4. :mad:




    Best deal I've gotten on decent black socks is $6 for a 4 pairs of Dockers on sale at... Kohl's. :tongue1: I've seen the same socks on sale for 3 for $7.50 at Sears. Regular price is 3 for $10 everywhere. They do fade though, so the three bottles of woolite for dark clothes I got on clearance at Target come in handy there.


    Kohl's is great for shoes, especially if you can find them on clearance. Their sale prices are good too. Marshall's is another place for good deals on shoes. I've also had good luck at an outlet mall.


    Are you looking for black sneakers (i.e. cop/security guard/retail), black casual shoes, or black dress shoes? (Edit: OK, I'm retarded for not clicking the link... I thought you were making a joke, like you have to dress like Mickey Mouse or something... :) Second edit: having read what you linked to, I still have no idea what kind of shoe you have to wear.)

    :giggle: For some strange reason, I now look to you, Imelda for shoe tips.


    All kidding aside, you have provided the guys (and gals) with some very helpful ideas. And, I look forward to more of your money saving shoe tips, oh great one! :D

  5. Ross- yes, I believe electric scooters in Cali are. I think some are classified in the same class as mopeds (ie. registration,insurance,etc). As far as a moped, maybe I can find one on the cheap at a yard sale or in the paper. I hate those little horns on em. So if I get one, I will put a truck horn on mine. :giggle:


    Bio- thanks for the links! :) Some of those are cute! I get down to So. Cali a lot, so maybe I will get down to that place and take a peek (if they have a retail outlet there) and see what they have to offer. Thanks again.

  6. Hi everyone :)


    With the cost of gas just unreal, I have decided (w/o husbands blessing...lol) to look into getting an electric scooter or other form of transportation to do local stuff(post office,errands,lite shopping).


    Do any of you have one and if so, how do you like it?


    Any ideas where I could score a decent one at a low low low price (did I mention low?). Not looking for the Lexus type brand, just a functional type scooter.


    Thanx in advance. :)

  7. Tina- you got me there. I dunno what I was looking at. lol Just typed that in a search and that's what I got.


    I know for a FACT that if my Mom saw this, she would be yapping how she wishes they had these when I was growing up. What a cute product.

  8. I dunno, but I was reading that there are instances where you actually order the tires online and have them delivered to your house and drive them to a place that will install them can save you money SOMETIMES. I think the website was:



    Also, a place to look is the wherehouse places such as Costco,Sams,etc. IF they are close by. Otherwise, with the cost of gasoline, it may not be such a bargain.

  9. Well, I woke up early (for a Sunday, at least! :giggle: ) and traveled over to Staples for their President's Day sale and got the Proview 19". It was $279 and I was able to get a $30 off coupon from eBay (for $4). I never got the $30 GC in time that is supposed to arrive anyday now.


    But, I was super nice to the manager and they said all I had to do is come in with it and the receipt and they would credit my CC.


    So, I got it for $223 (figuring in the eBay coupon). For a 19" monitor, I don't need the top of the line and this one has a pretty good picture.


    Thanks for all that gave helpful hints. ;)

  10. I have a Buy 2 get 1 Free on the Dell 1704FP, 1904FP, or 2001FP.

    Are you in the market for buying a monitor or two yourself? :idea::giggle:


    That's a great offer IF one were looking to upgrade a few monitors, especially if you can combine that with the offer they have going on now (see Brad's link above).

  11. Sue,


    The 19" Proview appears to be the PL913S.


    I don't see any warranty info in the .pdf unless I glanced over it?

    Ross- I can't find the warranty info either. Good price for that size monitor. I read a few reviews that were above average for it.


    Anyone else ever use those $30 off/$150 coupons on items like this at Staples? Unless the postal service performs a miracle and sends me my $30 gift card today in the mail (fat chance!), I may have to pass.

  12. I see Staples is having a President's Day sale on Sun and Mon (2/20-21) and I see a few bargains (maybe? :confused: ). One of which is a Proview 19" LCD (analog) for $279. I should be getting a $30 gift card "any day" now (crosses fingers) and if I can score one of those $30 off/$150 purchase coupons, that drops it to $219.


    Can someone let me know what they think of that model?


    Oh yeah, a 20" LCD TV is on sale also. Wonder if I score 2 of those coupons($30 off $150), could I maybe get hubby to go with me (good luck!) to another store across town and buy the TV at that one?

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