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  1. I got this one last year at this deal. BEST. PURCHASE. EVER. I love my mixer.
  2. I think it's really pretty. It's like a brushed satiny metal. (Sorry, tired brain mush.) I went for it over a bright color because firt the price was awesome, but I am forever changing my color schemes and thought a neutral would be good.
  3. Amazon has the Kitchen Aid Pro600 Stand mixer in Licorice and Nickel Pearl for 219.00 after 50 rebate. I had to pick one up as these runn 399.00 normally! http://www.amazon.com/KitchenAid-KP26M1XNP-Professional-6-Quart-Nickel/dp/B0002Y5X9W http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41NHgZTQ7RL._AA280_.jpg
  4. Not sure if this help, but Amazon has the 575 Watt Pro600 in Nickel Pearl and Licorice for 219 after rebate right now. That is an amazing deal and I picked one up myself. http://www.amazon.com/KitchenAid-KP26M1XNP-Professional-6-Quart-Nickel/dp/B0002Y5X9W
  5. Thank you! This was on my sisters baby registry!
  6. This was the first DSLR I had and LOVED it so much. I'm thinking of picking this up to have a back up for my back up. LOL.
  7. I'd recommend the Canon S5IS. Great camera, 12X Optical Zoom (Optical zoom is waaaay better than digital zoom.) and many stepping stone feautures of a DSLR.
  8. I'm in the same boat as Freesia. Canon FTW! Kodak have always been my second to last recommendation for a camera, only next to Fuji's. Well, old Fujis. I'd look in this order.. Canon Sony Nikon Kodak If you give us a price range, and what you normally want to use it for... (indoors? out? Night? ) things like that we can help better.
  9. That's the equivalent of someone who has 344 feedbacks having 1 negative. Not too bad if you ask me.
  10. Just an update. I've slowly been getting my order a piece at a time. LOL!
  11. Oh yeah, it's possible. I guess it's just my personal preference. I run Lightroom and CS3 on mine but I just seem to get a better feel on a huge screen. It's alot easier for me using my tablet that way too.
  12. LOL... Sounds like he is in the first stages of L'coholism. It's a slippery slope from there, I tell ya! Well, I'm not even going to pretend I know much about computers except for the photography angle on it. I fought against Vista for a long time because I heard nothing but bad things about it. My husband ended up getting a desktop with Vista on it and I've used it a couple times. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it seems pretty slick to me. I'd just really check all your components like your printer and things like that to make sure that Vista drivers are available. I just purchased the Dell $329 deal (supposed to get here today) and I put Vista on it. Everything I have though works with Vista. Good luck and I"m sure no matter which you choose you'll just be happy to have newer computer!
  13. You're probably right. From my experience (and it could be way off base) a good deal on GOOD laptop is fewer and further between than one on a desktop. If your laptop is hobbling I'd go with that. And FYI.. if your husband is anything like everyone else who buys a DSLR you're going to be in for ALOT of purchases. "Gotta have a new Lens." "Oh, it HAS to be an L lens!" "This computer is just not going to run Lightroom and CS3 effectively, which are programs I HAVE to have." Things like that.
  14. How intense is your photo editing? Laptops are convienent and I wouldn't want to give mine up for the world. That being said, I will never again try to do intense photo editing on a laptop again. It was just kind of nerve wracking for me.
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