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About Rose0426

  • Birthday 04/26/1961

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  1. I posted on 2024 thread for November on the 1st, am I still good for this year?
  2. Happy November. 2 weeks left for unemployment and still haven't found a job. Sucks being in my early 60's and starting over. Everything is seasonal now and will only last till Christmas
  3. Got my prize, thank you. Glad to see you support such a worthy cause
  4. If it wasn't bad enough that all the days run into each other and I have no idea what day it is since being unemployed, now you throw a holiday into the mix to really screw me up. Oh well, happy September everyone
  5. Checking in for August. Hope everyone had a great summer
  6. Happy 4th of July!
  7. Can't believe my grandson graduated high school. It seems like yesterday he was a baby. On the bright side, he is now working full time as an electrician with the company that hired him thru his co-op.
  8. Well, I am officially unemployed. The company I worked for 27 years decided to close and sell to a pot growing farm and we as workers got squat for severance. It still hasn't hit me that I don't have a job anymore.
  9. So I have it marked on my calendar to post on here for the 3rd of the month. I always think to myself, I'll do it tomorrow, and end up forgetting and posting at the end of the month.
  10. Checking in for before I forget.
  11. Well, we were finally getting longer days and some sun and warmer temps, then what happens, more snow. At least we didn't get the 4-6 inches they were calling for. My son even got the snow blower out for us. Just a nice coating on the trees and grass and nothing on the roads
  12. Don't remember if checked in for January. Can't wait for the warm weather to start, so sick of the cold
  13. Merry Christmas everyone
  14. What I did for my grandson this year is made a list on amazon with everything he wants. Put in the note section the price, in case it goes up, I know to wait. If price come down, it will show how much I'm saving. Since Amazon pretty much matches everyone, if one store comes down in price, they will too probably. You can also share your amazon list. The only thing Amazon usually won't match is a b2g1free, just keep checking Best Buy, Target and Gamestop. If they are new games, they probably won't go on sale.
  15. Looking thru the ads, I really don't see anything we need anymore. I only have 1 grandson that we still buy for, everyone else is grown and have everything they need, so they get money
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