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Everything posted by dustysky

  1. You never know, stranger things have happened. I have seen employees telling customers that they may have some left if tickets are not turned in. Good luck
  2. I never said I sold ALL our tickets. I don't camp unless I want something for US personally, my son who is 18 comes with me every year. We enjoy the time together, play games and get to talk more then we normally would. If there is something that is hot and people want to buy a ticket he has in the past been able to do that. ALL THE POWER TO HIM! So this year, this particular deal is something HE and I both want. YES I would love to be able to get a 3rd, as I said as a gift. I happen to have a little extra money this year and can afford to do that (with the black Friday price). I have in the end decided not to take my daughter, again she is 9 years old. I will be getting gifts for her and in addition to that I would be always watching her and not really able to shop. In addition to that it is a tradition of myself and son that I prefer to keep. So with all that being said, yes my take on ticket sales is still the same I DO NOT CARE what anyone does with there ticket. If they are willing to get out there on Wednesday with the sole intention of ticket sales then so be it. I prefer to not mind everyone's business for them.
  3. Not so much the name but the customer service I have gotten from HP far out weighs ANY I have got from Toshiba or any other I have dealt with.
  4. Cool, I am still 95% sure that she will be home with a sitter just because its a LONG time for a kid to be out there. I am not sure why people are so hell bent on the 1 per household thing - everyones household is different so I guess if you have 3 collage students then you have to pick which one is more worthy. Whatever. People can be on such a high horse.
  5. Thanks for your input. For your info, not that it matters what the hell you think, yes it would be a gift. If you are referring to the fact that I have NO issue with tickets being sold and no issue with saying so, that is not the case for this particulate item. So don't worry just because I WILL be in line before YOU, this ticket will not be for sale.
  6. ohhhhhhhh do you have any idea how much time I have spent trying to figure out what one to buy, LMAO!!!!! Yes I am going to stay here and try out the new store. I get my staples out (surgery last Thursday) on Wednesday 1:30 and I will start checking out the new store right after that I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be good for Thursday morning and NOT Wednesday night. Thanks so much for clearing that up for me I feel so stupid!
  7. On the PDF ad scan there is 1 on page 35 bottom left and the other is page 37 top middle
  8. they are on the ad scan and I think I may have answered my own question. It looks like 1 id 2 GB and the other is 3 GB BUT I would love to hear more info from the pros.
  9. dustysky

    Tickets to kids?

    Normally I would not even consider taking my daughter (she is 9) but this year she has begged me to please come with us. We live in Florida so the weather is not an issue. I just read that you do NOT have to be 18 to get a ticket, I read this ON the Best Buy website. I would love to be able to get an extra HP laptop as a gift ...... My question is have you ever seen anyone denied a ticket at my daughters age or around her age?
  10. There are 2 E-machine PC's listed with a single penny in price difference. I see they come with different printers but other then that can anyone tell me what is the BETTER of the 2 computers. Thank you so much for any info.
  11. Now that I know for sure I will be camping out I will start stalking the store Wednesday night - its a brand new store so I do not know what to expect yet.
  12. ME TO!!!! The only thing I wish it had was a webcam built in Even so I am so beyond happy about this new news that I could just scream, k well I guess I did scream ... but if no one heard me does it still count??
  13. THANK YOU !!!! Finally something woth getting in line for, I would rather a low end HP then any other brand in the mix this year.
  14. The Seabrook Walmart is OLD - DIRTY - and always a mess not to mention I fin the people rude! Epping was clean and big. I am stuck in florida but if I was back home Epping would be my pick.
  15. Here in South Florida by 11 am we were 40 out in line
  16. works GREAT for me and I know how to use excel so i was able to switch from price vs store etc THANK YOU so much for taking the time to do this for everyone :)
  17. I would love it if you did Jen :) I am SOOOOOOO confused as to wear to go at this point
  18. I am so worried about this year. I LIKE BB, I like the fact that I do have a tent to nap a little bit when I want to. Sadly the deals I am going after are at WM - this means no rest, and I am also unable to stand for very long. I will not even be 2 full weeks out of surgery so I need to sit. Here is what we will be going for - $198. laptop and $146 camcorder. Anyone have any tips for me?
  19. Thank you OP this one is a STEAL!!! Go red sox!
  20. I know this is a long shot but do any of you know if Webkinz or club penguin will work on netbooks?? My daughter wants a netbook and the only things she does on line are those 2 "game" sites.
  21. When do we normally see the "secret" sale posted here? Last year I held out till the last second with no luck.
  22. I said yes but I still have yet to see a deal worth waisting my gas to get to so who knows.
  23. Big Jim I am so sad for the people who will need to potty in your area
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