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Everything posted by uncdwm

  1. bought a 4gb nano and 8gb nano for $305 total after using $22 off for black friday and 6-7% for company discount. subtract my $213 gift card, add tax = just over $100 for 2 ipods. not too bad i guess. best buy and other stores are offering $10-30 gift cards with purchase but oh well i got rid of my gift card and it's probably the cheapest i could ever get them from apple.
  2. Aha so PST huh. i have a $213 store credit to Apple and was going to get an iPod Nano for my GF with it. Hoping they have a good % off or some deal with iPods. Otherwise, I can already get 5-6% off, free shipping, free engraving, etc. through work. It's sad that CC and Amazon and other stores can sell the product for cheaper (and include gift certificate bennies) than the manufacturer store can do.
  3. I'm looking for a smaller TV and all the sales seem to be 42" and above. HHGregg has a Toshiba 32" LCD 1080p TV w/ a built-in DVD player which is nice for $799. Amazon.com has it on sale for $769. Just doesn't seem like a stellar deal when you can buy a 42-50" plasma for about the same price point. I'm definitely disappointed in the BF sales this year...
  4. hmm so i'm not seeing any sales. plus i re-read the "black friday sale" verbiage and it simply states "free shipping" now. BFD.
  5. weird, my mom said the same thing - that there was some sony tv on sale for $200. i assume they both saw that something was $200 off and got confused.
  6. if you buy refurbished from apple does it still come looking brand new in the original box or does it come in non-retail packaging and say it's refurbished or something?
  7. if you buy a refurbished ipod from apple does it look brand new and can you tell it's refurbished? (does it come in the original box like a new item or just come in a different box and say it's refurbed or something?). I'm stuck buying from Apple b/c I have an Apple store/gift card. I wonder what kind of Black Friday sale they will have. Here are the other iPod deals... $140 from apple store, free shipping and engraving w/ company discount Circuit City $142.99 4gb plus free $15 GC to Circuit City Meijer $50 gift card w/ iPod purchase RadioShack free ihome 2go speaker w/ iPod Nano purchase Best Buy $20 itunes gift card w/ purchase
  8. -post deleted-
  9. i hadn't seen ads last year for them either
  10. uncdwm

    Garden Ridge?

    -post deleted-
  11. Last year I walked into a Best Buy around 2 or 3pm and bought the Panasonic Plasma TV for $799 (I assume this was the doorbuster or secret sale item). They didn't have any more in the store but they allowed us to order 3 TV's (bought for the whole family) at the same price. You think it will be like that this year? I am looking at the Panasonic Plasma for $899 that says it's a doorbuster. It's strange that the model # says TH42PE7U when there is no such model number. Circuit City's ad has the TH42PX75U for $100 more so maybe it's the same TV. hmm.
  12. can i not buy a tree now from home depot/lowes or wherever and then if it goes on sale after the holiday i get a price match or get the price adjustment through my credit card since it offers matching of lower prices?
  13. thanks that $79 one is definitely a possibility. however, i think that one all the pre-lit lights turn off if one light burns out/breaks unlike the more expensive trees that stay on. plus i might prefer a 7.5' tree. that's a great price though. i really want the $199 home depot/lowe's tree but will shoot myself when it goes on sale for $50 after christmas!
  14. Where's the best deal and what's the best time to buy an artificial Christmas tree? Linen's N Things has a tree for $99 but it doesn't look that great Home Depot and Lowe's have nice 7.5' GE lit trees but they are $199 and $299 I think Sears also has a tree for $149 on Black Friday Anyone know of the best place to buy a tree or know of any BF deals on trees? Would really like to get the one from Home Depot or Lowe's or somewhere else that has a deal. Wonder if you can use 10% off coupons with the sale prices. I imagine they will be dirty cheap after Christmas but 1) would like one for this Xmas and 2) not sure if they will have any left since all Halloween decos vanished at Halloween as well...
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