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Everything posted by Christypl

  1. Anyone know of any? It is for my 2 and a half year old boy. I want it to be big enough that he can use it a few years, Thanks!
  2. I refered a lot of people from my hawaii military wives web group!!!!! I miss you guys!!!!
  3. Mine is a rainbow. But all of mine are the blown glass kind. I have tons thanks to the 90% off sales at Target.
  4. Christypl

    Opening times

    What time will the stores open on bf? I need to get my game plan together!
  5. Depending on the weather my favorite jeans and a sweatshirt with sneakers.
  6. They are yummy!!! But we have a place in Hawaii that I used to go to called Swirl that had apples even better than those. I need one now.
  7. we open one Christmas eve and the rest in the morning
  8. My mom has the most kid friendly house......I am so thankful for that!
  9. I wrote the ingrediants out...I think I'll make them from my son's prek teachers and give those along with a gift card to Boston Market. An easy dinner on the way home.
  10. Last year the NEX had a Yankee candle set that retailed for $45 for $7.99. I bought several and everyone loved them.
  11. We were in Kbay twice. We liked it there. Its prettier on the windward side. I'm going to pm you the name of a great hawaii military online wives group. I sure wont miss the geckos!
  12. I'm a teacher and let me say I have enough teacher ornaments to fill two tress...but I put them on my class tree every year. I like to get Gift certificates to Target, Walmart and places to eat.
  13. We are military also. We just left Hawaii. I am staying with my mom until our stuff comes and the nearest exchange is over an hour away. I guess I'll be passing it this year!
  14. I get my list and plan toget. I pack snacks for my soon...and lay out comfy clothes!
  15. It is something I look forward to. I like planning it out. The night before I cant sleep because I cant wait to get out the door.
  16. I shop with my mom...and now my 2 year old son.
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