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  1. Where did you see this? I don't see it in our local ad.
  2. Does anyone know when they will have another 20% coupon out?
  3. I lucked up and got the last two at one of our stores also. They were located on the regular aisle just marked with the tag. DCPI#057120146
  4. What kind of laptop are ya'll talking about?
  5. Thanks.....My DS is gonna love this.
  6. THE AD IS UP ON THE TOYS R US WEBSITE. http://toysrus.shoplocal.com/toysrus/default.aspx?action=entryflash
  7. There is a $5.00 off coupon on the arena on the target website also... http://sites.target.com/site/en/spot/page.jsp?title=toy_coupons_main&&ref=R_14_2
  8. I had a $15.00 of $100.00 coupon. I got in the mail with my statement.
  9. you have to have the wii guitar...u have to put the remote in the wii guitar for it to work
  10. My boys are gonna love this...Thanks
  11. What is the code for the free shipping?
  12. It is still on there just click the link and the tab is right above it.
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