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Everything posted by kryss
Okay, my DH worked at Best Buy last year and they had just moved locations (opened up a brand new store and closed down the old one...) and reopened maybe two weeks before BF. He said they handed out tickets and the people who got them could leave and come back ANYTIME that day and get the item (his location had done it this way all three years he was a SUPERVISOR there...I trust he's not lying about their managers method...) The best part? If they ran out of the item BEFORE you got yours using a ticket you got an even better item for the same price!!! For those of you wondering, this was store 219 (I believe that's the number...) which is located in Colorado Springs, CO out on Powers... Kriss
having BF off is always a good thing!!! Both DH and I'll have it off this year, but the drawback is that we'll be in Sacramento instead of Florida!!! Dang family has to interfere with our BF plans!!!! Oh well, at least they'll all get to see the baby for the first time. Kriss
I want to see Target and Kmart as well...but it's a pain as I don't know what stores are near where I will be in Sacramento...grrr..makes me wish we were staying home instead of going to visit family! At least I know my way around Holiday, FL......grrrr... Kriss
Okay, I'm going to be sooo lost this BF as we will be visiting family in Sacramento (and Lodi and Santa Cruz sometime that week as well..) I have absolutely NO IDEA what is nearby or even where to begin out there!!! I know that I want to hit Walmart (carebears and cabbage patch...) but I don't know what else we're going to be looking for. Fortunately we shouldn't need anything too pricey as our lil one will be 6 months at Christmas (well, on Jan 3 she'll be 6 months...) So, any ideas WHERE would be the best places to go??? And possibly what to get a 6 month old for Christmas??? TIA Kriss
We go for the thrill of it. This will be DH's first year though as he's worked at Best Buy the last three years! Although this year won't seem as thrilling since I won't have to rush through my shopping so I can get to work on time. The last three years I had to be at work by noon so it's a rush to see how many places you can get to before you're late for work. LOL Kriss
Any one have a clue whats it like to work on Black friday
kryss replied to nathanr1229's topic in 2005
Ok, I've pretty much ALWAYS had to work Black Friday at one job or another! I've worked at Sears and JCPenney's (I worked in the portrait studio, but we still had to be there when the door's were unlocked to hand out coupons and stuff...) I managed a frame shop last Black Friday which was easier than other places, but still rough. But I LOVE retail, love working with the customers. That's what RETAIL is all about!!! If you think BF is bad, try working at a Papa Murphy's on Superbowl Sunday!!! Imagine having to make 400-500 pizzas from 11 am until 1 pm (or whenever the game starts) I managed Papa Murphys for 3 different super bowls and really, it's pretty discouraging when you have a PACKED lobby AND a line outside that goes almost all the way to the grocery stores doors next door (for those unfamiliar with Papa Murphys its a take and bake pizza place primarily on the west coast, but goes as far east as Colorado) And here's another one for you! Imagine working at a Blockbuster the night before a Hurricane hits (Wilma in particular!!!) and EVERY customer seems to be upset because you don't have the movie you want. It's as bad a black friday, except half the people who rented movies couldn't watch them because they lost POWER!!! And on one other note, I've had NUMEROUS customers YELL at me because I worked for Sears or JCPenney's portrait studio and we weren't open Thanksgiving or Christmas day. You don't know how many times I've had to explain that NOBODY is open those days (well, except Blockbuster...LOL) because the company feels we deserve those days off for family as well!!! It's all customer service. If you don't want to deal with it then don't do retail! That would be like working in an office and REFUSING to answer the phone or use the computer... And just remember, if you can't solve the customers problem and you're at/near the bottom, you only have to call the person above you over and then THEY can deal with the problem. Grrr...I love my retail job...not as much as my mommy job now, but still... Kriss -
hehehe we haven't decided yet! As this is our first Christmas with the lil one it'll be interesting to see what we end up doing. She'll be 6 months old on January 3 so we still have no idea what really to get her...got a leapfrog pad for her though!!! Ages 6-36 months... Kriss
Things you can make with Duct tape??? That would be an AWESOME gift for both DH and his father!!! Of course, they would just think it was GREAT...hmmm...I'll have to keep my eyes open... Kriss
Well, my lil one is too young to ask for anything other than maaamaaa!!! LOL so what do you get a lil one who will be just over 6 months? Actually, she'll be ALMOST 7 months (Jan 3...) We already picked up a Leapfrog for her (the one for 6-36 months...) just not sure what else she'll 'want' as this is our first (and of course, it's also the first grandchild too...and great grandchild...) Ahh...Christmas is too soon this year!!! Maybe we should skip this year and just save the money to spend on NEXT christmas??? LOL And we can't get anything big on BF because we'll be visiting family in California and I can't imagine that the airline will let us take too much extra on the plane without charging... Kriss
check the quaker or tropicana website!!! Quaker and Tropicana have a promo going on that if you buy so many you can get certain leappad products free! 30 items gets you the Leappad Learning System for ages 4-8 (I'm planning on getting one of these since I've picked up tons of Quaker products CHEAP even though my lil one is only 4 months!!!) 20 items gets you theTurbo Extreme Handheld for ages 6-10 and 10 items gets you your choice between 3 leappad books (smartguide to kindgarten ages 4-6, Fiesta in the House-Bilingual-ages 5-7, or World Geography ages 8-10) HTH Kriss
hmmm...last year for Christmas we told everyone that we didn't want anything, but if they felt like getting us something to get us a giftcard for Target or Babies R Us...of course, we told them this and then I realized we hadn't told them I was pregnant yet so it was slightly embarrassing! But my family (and DH's family as well) actually LOVED finding out this way! My dad actually asked what I'd need a gift certificate to Babies R Us for...then my step mom hit him over the head...LOL I hardly ever give gift cards though (I don't think I've EVER given one actually...) kriss
We have no idea as this will be our first BF with a lil one (she's almost 4 months now!!!) but as we will be with LOTS of family I'm sure SOMEONE will stay home with her (or...since she's so little, we CAN take her with us...LOL) Kriss
Last year DH had to work at Best Buy (he was a supervisor...) and I had to work an evening shift. This year, we will BOTH be off, but unfortunately we'll be out of town for Thanksgiving!!! Which means we may not be able to get as much as we have to fly home afterwards (speaking of...I should PROBABLY find the itinerary and then call the airlines and make sure they are aware we have a lap child...my fil bought the tickets and FORGOT to mention the lap child!!!) Kriss