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About hsmith

  • Birthday 09/06/1984
  1. me me
  2. i wish they would put elmos on there but probably wont since it is so new. Gah if they did i would be part of the crowd. I have one on law but I need another.
  3. last year the sale started at 6 am in my hometown. we got there at 5:50 and at a little after 6 we had everything we came there to get.
  4. i am just gonna price match dvds at walmart
  5. i live within 20 minutes of 2 targets and 4 walmart supercenters. I have called all and they have nothing. I finally called one and they had only one so the guy is hiding it for me.
  6. my targets are out of them
  7. you have to keep scrolling down to all the pages. you will say the rest of the text for the emachines computer
  8. my walmart is 24 hours. they start the blitz at 6 am. they have all the blitz items stacked throughout the store. they have plastic around the items. at 6 am they cut the plastic off. that is how they do it in alabama. our walmart closes at 6 pm on thanksgiving and opens back up at midnight.
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