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Everything posted by mistyinca

  1. Do you know if the gift card buy 2 deal is available online. And is it one per person? I out two target gcs in my cart and at check out it didn't make any indication of the free gc anyone know. Thanks
  2. We actually did hit the stores yesterday. I'm a big online shopper bf and any day. This year we were away from home and in Vegas. We went out in the morning and scored the free after eb sales at cvs and we stopped by Best Buy to see the line. There were about 12 tents. At 4pm we hit Michaels and got a great deal on a 4' tree for work. Then we checked out Best Buy around 5:15. The line was still around the building so we we across the street to McDonald's to get a drink and wait out the line. Finally a little after 6am when the line was only about 30 people long we got in line. Took about 5 minutes to get in the store. They still had plenty of everything in stock: scored three of the $79 tvs, the beats headphones, all the Blu Rays we were looking for. We got in line and were checked out in about 5 minutes. I really have to commend this Best Buy (Arroyo Crossing) for how well they handled this crowd. It was really easy and pleasant with so many helpful Best Buy employees eager to help. We were in line and out of there in 30 minutes tops! Then we hit ulta for their 5 for 5. I like to get these items for stocking stuffers. All in all a great day. We had also gotten a few items online Wednesday night: Home Depot: $79 LED tree, oscillation tool, and Lowes: some poinsettias, lights, garlands, and the $39 reciprocating saw. Not hitting target until the cyber Monday sale. Just really satisfied with our hauls. This was a fun one!!
  3. Got an email that my order is no longer available for pick up. Can't get the website, and on hold on the phone for 30 minutes...wonder what sale they'll put on to make up or this one...
  4. What about for the in-store items only? Do Elite get early access to those. I'm looking for the 50" panasonic tv...
  5. Yeah. I just bought mine for a $1 and ordered it online so in fact it does NOT have to be opened and activated on purchase.
  6. Its not part of the "official" early sale, but last night this tv that is advertised to be $1497 on Black Friday went on sale for $1499. So we snagged it. One last thing to get on BF.
  7. Last year we bought everything Wednesday night.
  8. It will ruin the newness if I plan to wrap it and give it as a Christmas present. This won't work since it would deactivate the current phone.
  9. OK, so if you purchase the gift cards on your target card, d you get another 5% off?
  10. OK, so this is gonna be a buck, and I want to get that. But, I have noticed in some ads, they are saying new 2 year agreement required, with some even specifically saying eligible upgrades aren't eligible for the BF deal. I checked with Best Buy, and the guy at the phone department said he believes that I will be able to buy it for an eligible upgrade (Verizon). Here's my question. I have never bought a new cell phone from anyone buy Verizon. They aren't going to make me open the box and have their "helpful staff" activate it for me, are they? I want to give it sealed to my son, and frankly I don't believe any "helpful" folks can get that stuff right. I prefer to do it myself. So...how does it work when you purchase from Best Buy? and can this be done as an online order? Thanks,
  11. Ok just went to the store to look at the display tvs. I asked about early access for elite members and the guy said starting tomorrow they will release 6 items at a time for elite shoppers. And we're supposed to get the emails to let us know. I saw the 4k samsungs in boxes on the floor. Maybe that will be an early release.
  12. Great deal! Thanks! I went into the store today and forked out $50. Now I had to spend another $100 to cash in on this great deal!
  13. We snag all the deals online. Later in the day after the crowds have died down, we'll hit Home Depot, Target, Lowes..We've got Elite status at Best Buy this year, so hoping to get it all even earlier.
  14. For me, it isn't so much a best deal as a best time. I remember...it must have been 1997 or 1998...we went out in my moms minivan, hitting Kmart, Target, Walmart, and JCP...MERVYN'S! (Ahh the Mervyn's sale!!) back in the days when they used to do scratchers and give aways to the first people in the doors. I remember loading that van so full we had to make a pitstop back at my mom's house, unload, and go back out for more. Later we would hit Thrifty, Long's Drugs for wrapping paper and stocking stuffers. Afterward we'd fill up on a plate of leftover T-giving dinner. I don't stand in line anymore. I shop online with trigger finger. We'll venture out on Friday after the morning rush dies down. These days, most of the hot deals are still lingering later in the day and Saturday.
  15. You know, it would be worth it if they would guarantee that all the ads were there. I get two papers, and there will be mulitples of some and others I can't get my hands on. Ads are all online these days, but having the paper one in your hand is still king.
  16. Best Buy, and we're elite this year so early shopping for us. It was so easy last year even without being elite. Bought it all wednesday night online.
  17. I loved the online starts on Wednesday evening. I didn't have to mess with any of the thanksgiving day starts, which I think is a bad move. No one should have to make that choice and their employees shouldn't have to work those times either. I took advantage of the credit card deals for additional discounts, but I don't like what toys r us did. I applied for and accepted their card for the 15% off first order deal only to find that it excluded the very item I intended to purchase. IMO if I've already done something to *earn a special coupon, it shouldn't come with restrictions, especially since they were not disclosed prior to my applying for the card. I intend to cancel it and not shop there. It still saddens me to see the mob scene videos taken during the sales. I would like to see some solution to that, though I don't know what that solution is... Finally...I wish retailers would come up with an easier price guarantee sitch...for example I bought a Yamaha keyboard Wednesday eve on sale for $99 at best buy. Today I can get the same deal with a free stand. I have to buy again and return the first purchase when it gets here. This is costing best buy 2x the free shipping they have to bear. If they'd just honor the free keyboard when I show the proof of purchase it would save them money and me the hassle...alas.
  18. yeah still waiting on apple tv and some other things...
  19. Stuff is going live! I got the $79 tv!
  20. How long after the expected time have they actually gone live in the past?
  21. I have the most sketchy internet service. I'm certain it will crap out on me at the key moment...ugh LOL
  22. nothing yet...
  23. Ok question... I bought the iMac and I wanted the office 2011 foe $79 w purchase. But of course that deal is not available right now with the early access iMac. Will I still be able to take advantage of that deal later if it's not in the same transaction?
  24. I can't believe it!! I subscribed to the paper for this?!! 3 ads. There are several stores starting in the MORNING tomorrow, and there should be more ads today. Good thing we have this site because this is what I found in today's paper...
  25. I"ve never done the Black Friday deals at Amazon, though I'm a huge Amazon shopper. So I've got my eye on the GTV for PS3. Does all this mean it is every 10 minutes every day until BF, and what are some tips for catching the item I want to get? Is there something to subscribe to? And is this a batch email or an every t 10 minute email? thanks!
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