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Everything posted by karatekid39209

  1. I have everything wrapped, and under the tree except little things I am finding I bought last year after Christmas that I forgot I had. So I'm about 98.5% done. Suggestion for next year... DO NOT buy Hallmark paper it rips so quickly.
  2. December 17 is Christmas with my side and we do a casual dinner, meatball subs, salad, meat platter, very simple. Christmas Eve we do the Feast of the Seven Fishs Christmas Day: Wife side, traditional: turkey, ham, beef burgundy, and all the sides. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  3. How big do you want it?
  4. The BCT: Southern NJ Clothing Stores: -Gap -Strawbridges -Macys -Lord and Taylor -Old Navy -JCPenny -Sears -KOHLS Sporting Goods: -Dicks -Modells -Sports Authoriy Electronics: -Best Buy -CC -Comp USA -Radio Shack -Game Stop Furniture: -Bombay -Raymor and Flannigan -AFC Toys: -KB Toys -TRU Misc: -Target -WM -K-mart -Lowes -Home Depot Drug Stores: -Walgreens -CVS -Rite Aid Happy Shopping!!
  5. karatekid39209


    It's not about the money. Thank you for reassuring myself I was right it will be returned except for the guest room.
  6. We use 100% paper, even if it is an odd shape we get a box for it. This year the theme is green, gold, and red. I found in the middle of August tons of hallmark wrapping paper in walmart it had a holly pattern so i bought all that they had. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  7. karatekid39209


  8. We are having the traditional: Roasted Turkey, Fried Turkey, Corn, Green bean cassarole, Stuffing, rolls, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and something anyone thats not from eastern PA, NJ, or long island would know what it is but water ice (most call it slush or icee) but a place near us that makes it from scratch made me pumpkin pie and apple cinnamon spice. Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year!
  9. I like the older Nestle commercials like 97' with the dogs. it went "Nestle makes the very best chocolate" Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  10. I usually spend the same amount of money. This year the kids are getting a few big (expensive) items instead of a ton of cheaper items. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  11. I saw last year in WM someone knock an older person down and then they took all their stuff out of that cart and put it in their own and kept going. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  12. We usually do a old tradition of the pickel on the tree. I hide it after the kids go to bed and whoever finds it on Christmas morning they get an little extra present. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  13. I always get the reeses trees for bowls and the old fashion hard candy in a tin but usually holiday cookies and pies Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  14. Same Here! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  15. Here in NJ, Thanksgiving- 42 Rain and Snow, BF- 40 Sunny (Thank God!) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  16. Same thing every year, Kids get up about 7:30 (I've been up since 5:30), then we eat breakfast, they shower, we set up the video camera, and then presents, after presents I go cook dinner, after they clean up the paper, kids go play, family comes over about 3:00 we eat by 3:45. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  17. Same here I always ask for a gift recipt. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  18. Since we host the family gift exchange at my house (about 60 people) we have a stocking for every one they are all over the place on the mantel on the stair case all in order of oldest to youngest. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  19. My wife bakes the same amount, she freezes the dough it will keep for about a month and a half, just don't keep it there to long or refreeze the dough. Anything without chocolate freezes better. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  20. My family always watches the Muppet Family Christmas. (I don't know if thats the name but it is where Ms. Piggy gets caught in a snow storm and they find the basement with the fraggles. ) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  21. I would pick my great grandmothers sugar cookies they are a family tradition but when she gave the whole family the recipe before she died she left out something so we would always try to make them like her, no one has found what she added but we try every year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  22. My garbage men come about 4:30 in the morning so I just get up early. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  23. I work for a small computer networking company. but our clients are large corperations like Bell, and Ford so we usually get a bonus of about 1,500 because as I said its a small company. Only 12 people. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  24. Since our garbage men are so nice I usually tip 15 to 20 for the people who handle it and 10 for the driver. My mailman we give 25. and all others like hairdresser like 25-30 and paperboy 15-20 depending on how how early the paper gets here. Is this average? Everyone on my block does the same amount so I do what everyone is doing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  25. my favorite is Christmastime by Michael W. Smith.
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