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  1. I meant to say that I think they are more likely now to put the items that are mixed in with the regular items and not marked into the correct place (end cap usually), or if it is a salvage item they remove it from the floor, whereas before we could probably still get the deal a few days after things were salvaged. lately Target staff has gotten too GOOD, LOL. I can be pretty sure if it is marked 30% off, then that's the price...I still scan hoping for that unmarked deal :)
  2. I have had a feeling lately that many Managers/employees now scan these posts and when we post about a "hidden" deal they are correcting it/removing it. Two of my local stores used to be GREAT at finding those deals, now...nope, none to be found...EVER.
  3. I used the Target coupon generator once before and they wouldn't work, but someone had told me to have the cashier cover part of the code, and that worked...now I can't remember what they are supposed to cover! Anybody?? TIA!
  4. Does this include air? The $1600 package I've seen on TV does. Hubby just said those dates would work for us, I'm checking into it tomorrow! Thanks
  5. Make sure you scan...at mine they still had the 75% sign, but it scanned at 90%!! I didn't get much, Hershey kisses, bubble gum (in a santa head, LOL), stickers, etc...I had fun though
  6. Hello..happy Tuesday everyone! I went this AM to run my endcaps and ended up finding some leftover Christmas stuff (wrapping paper, red box cookie jar & some tights for DD). When I noticed a 75% off sign in the girls dept I took a peek and couldn't believe it, but there was ONE winter coat on the rack...size XS, just what I need! It's a little big on DD, but with a sweater under, it will be good...$44 jacket for $11..woo hoo! Lots of cami's and pants for her too...TOTAL SCORE!!
  7. Can you return it to a local store? Do they allow that? That would be SWEET!
  8. I went to go use my GC today in Victoria Secret and was surprised by how many MEN where in there! I was very uncomfortable looking through the clearance bra's, LOL. Ended up getting another flannel PJ set (the one with kiss lips all over) for $29. and I got a slinky little cotton nightie that says "ooh la la" for only $4.! That one was for hubby, LOL.
  9. When I used some of the codes that were posted for free items when you purchase the flannel PJ's (for free slippers), the free items where on backorder. I called and they said they were unavailable and no substitutes could be used. So, I said I would never have paid $39 for PJ's unless I was getting the extra items....they offered to send me a $25 gift card!! WOO HOO...It is showing as shipped, so I should get it any day. It will be awesome for this sale!
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