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  1. Just seen verizons deals--not a single iphone!
  2. Does Verizon usually wait until the last minute? I can't find the date from previous years.
  3. The third party items are horrific! We got had when we bought an iphone. It was NOT an iphone. And there's been other instances. I'm also disappointed with the sales they have now. Amazon used to have way better deals than the b&m stores but now it's just kind of the same. Last year they had the fire stick for $15. Today they are offering an OLD model REFURBISHED for $25. Shame!
  4. Really?! Not Thursday?
  5. I need the firestick. Disappointed it is $30. Last year it was 1/2 that. Also looking for a few movies. My shopping is just. about. done. Yay!
  6. Last year the firestick was $15. Was hoping to score that deal again. Darn.
  7. When will the deals be available online? (specifically the oneida flatware)
  8. TV shows sale price but when I add it to my cart it charged me regular price. Hopefully customer service will adjust this.
  9. Be very careful with these sets. I bought one that was torn on several seams and when I returned it the customer service lady stated that many are being returned for the same reason.
  10. simplchaos

    Website crash

    Have a bunch of movies in my cart but the website won't allow me to get to them to check out. Hope they fix it soon!
  11. I know, I feel ya! Hoping it's a fluke. The toaster says store price, but then I seen it for $12 online price, except when I add it to my cart it is $19. So maybe it will just take some time for the price adjusting and we'll still be able to get the prices we want. Sure hope that's how it works.
  12. It says $19 is in store price. Same way with the $12 toaster, $5 pajamas, and $2 towels.
  13. Is that how other items are working too? Or is it just taking some time to lower the prices?
  14. Awesome! Thank you. I would have been refreshing for the next hour.
  15. I'm not seeing the GC w/ the mini (or the air).
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