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  1. I saw Big Lots was saved so they won’t be closing all stores.
  2. Happy New Year
  3. Next the dedicated forum will go away
  4. Having a great Christmas. Spent time with people we never see for Christmas. Hope everyone is having a great holiday season.
  5. Merry Christmas all
  6. I’ve read an article on Big Lots yesterday. I think their issue is their stores are old and run down (on a lot like Kmart during their demise) and their prices have gone up a lot. Two things that don’t make for a good discount shopping experience.
  7. Dog probably thinks it’s a replacement lol
  8. I don’t fully know why but it’s been a weird Christmas season for me. I just can’t really get into it this year. Which is very unusual for me. I have nothing wrapped, still have some presents to buy. Will most likely end up finishing those this weekend and try to get things wrapped up.
  9. Don’t tempt them or they may start the day after Christmas.
  10. Congratulations to both of you
  11. We mostly decorated our main tree last night. Trying to figure out what box the angle is still packed in so I can get that out.
  12. They say Challenge Accepted
  13. Have you tried those candle warmer things? Supposedly a safer alternative for traditional candles than lighting them. We use Wax Melts.
  14. Very nice. So festive. Ya dogs can be weird about the strangest things
  15. So let’s see some more Christmas decorations. We have almost nothing done at our house right now. Between moving, somewhat unpacking and our daughter’s massive play schedule (she has roles in 3 different plays) coupled with company in town for her opening night of A Christmas Carol it’s been so hectic. We are hoping to get some stuff up outside tonight. I had to replace the GFCI out front Saturday because we had no power. So I’m excited to see what all of you have done.
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