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Everything posted by angleyez423

  1. I've been an Amazon shopper for years now and do the movie and other lightning deals for as long as I can remember. I was even part of the $100 Xbox issues a few years back and I have never seen a deal go as quick as Inside Out! Wow, wait list full in under 1 second. So who actually got it out there???
  2. 12345 works. I found a site say anything works but my zip backwards did not.
  3. Depends on your circumstances. My whole family shares an account right now. If your kids don't specifically need their own account for a reason, just one is fine. Depends on your games and needs. We save multiple copies of the same game so we can each have our own progress if necessary. The only drawback is 2 could not play online together at the same time with only 1 account (like 2 different xboxes). One account does mean sharing everything, but we don't care about that. We each have the free accounts to be the second player in a game if needed too.
  4. Only $200 right now at best buy if you have early access to their sale as a rewards member, if not I think it's their BF price. Not sure if that's the best price because I'm not looking, but remembered your post when I saw it. Oh, and that's for the studio. They come up $270 but use code STUDIODEAL for $200. I've never seen them remotely close to $19, that's an awesome price, was it an error? Even the fake ones on sunonfine.com are $150.
  5. I asked on Saturday when I earned for this week and they said no I liked being able to use it with 30% off but now the timing doesn't allow that. That's great your area still let's you do it.
  6. In late July they started warning everyone around me they wouldn't take expired anymore. I haven't tried since but I heard others have with no luck
  7. TRU has the for $39.99 as well. http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?f=Taxonomy%2FTRUS%2F2255956&kw=&f=PAD%2FCharacter+Theme%2FFurby&fbc=1&fbn=Character+Theme%7CFurby&moduleName=Character+Theme
  8. Did you check out Target at all? Some are still marked down a little online but most are in stores only. I found these coupons that help take $8 off (including batteries). Buy 1 Duracell CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries, 6 ct $4.99, regular price Buy 1 Hasbro Furby Boom Toy (reg $64.99) $29.00, sale price through 12/7 Use one $8.00/2 (1) Hasbro Furby Boom Toy AND (1) Duracell Quantum AA/AAA, 6 pk, CopperTop AA/AAA, 8 pk or C/D, 4 pk from RP 11/24 (exp 12/14) And use one $5.00/1 Toy Purchase, $25.00 or more, Target Coupon in Shopkick App (exp 12/13) Final Price: $20.99, when you buy both Obviously it won't be $20.99 anymore, because Furby isn't $29, but it should help. I have no idea the in store prices to know if this gets you closer. I also found a google store, Jim's Home Store that has the polka dot one for $38.
  9. I know it's not a great deal, but $45 at toys r us is the best I've found. Walmart has one that's $47 too. Has a zebra print. Not even close to $30 I know.
  10. Yep. LD's are actually promotional discounts rather than sales. So in your cart you are charged the full price and then the promo (LD) kicks in as a discount. Good deal Unfortunately, for that same reason, if you have a gift card on your account, you cannot choose pay without it and get a LD. Sometimes my kids have GCs that I don't want to spend on my stuff so I take out the gift card and pay with my CC. With LD's all promo codes are combined into one in the payment options and if you uncheck the box with your balance it will take out the LD discount as well. You can't take out just one.
  11. I tried this on an Amazon Paperwhite case and it doesn't work. It mentions in the small print it doesn't work on kindle devices, but nothing about accessories. I noticed the cases say they are sold by "Amazon Digital Services" so that must be the deciding factor. Worked great on a video game so there are still plenty of other things I can find to use it on Thanks OP.
  12. We have many kindles already and we love our 3g keyboards. I want to upgrade mine but I'm hesitant because I don't want to lose the speech and I like the side buttons. The free 3G is handy about once a year. The kids both need new paperwhites for sure and we are content with the fires we have, which also allowed me to pickup 1 paperwhite for ($19). I would buy last years model for the kids if they sold them new at good prices, but they don't even do that. They have had a few deals, like the $60 off any kindle early in the season, by invite only though and they admitted me to that current owners were rarely selected because that wasn't the target audience (obviously they want new kindle customers). The fire one from a few days back was great and lots of deals on current fires. Just need something on a plain ole' reader. Even a past model would suffice for the kids.
  13. Besides the exclusive deal that came through on the fires with special offers ($19) has anyone seen any good deals on the paperwhite? What about the regular one, although I prefer the paperwhite? All the deals seem to be on fires. I needed 2-3 paperwhite. Thank you.
  14. We found all 6 separate in a $5 bin at one of the stores. So $30 for the whole set and they were just DVD. I wish I could remember which store it was. I think it was a drug store.
  15. They did, it just sold out right away. That was my first choice too. All other platforms lasted at least a little bit. Ended up getting it on Wii U.
  16. Thank you so much! I just found out too late for BF that I needed to get one for Grandma. This was perfect and I would have missed if PP didn't post it
  17. Amazon had it for $37 as a lightning deal earlier in the week. Last year games repeated as lightning deals throughout the season. Keep an eye out there if you don't find somewhere else.
  18. It's been going back and forth from $35-$40 the last 2 weeks. It will go back down. I was hoping it would hit $30. No such luck. I watch it everyday. I think I will just have to grab it at $35.
  19. So sorry, I didn't see the post was moved and didn't check my box. I PMd it to you just now.
  20. I have one. Still need it? It expires 11/30.
  21. Lol, nope. I did too. Hehe.
  22. On 11/11/13 Mattel.com sold it for $112 F/S ($135 sale price + the pink friday sale 20% off code). 2/25/13 it sold at Kmart for $76.50 and also this year on Amazon for $99, last year on black friday it was $119.99 on mattel.com. It was listed as $165-$189 regular price at those times. Of course those deals are expired, but I have to think something somewhere will be closer to the price you're looking for. Which one are you looking for? All those deals were on the half looking one. Was that the previous model and the full one the new one? I don't know, my kids are too old for these. The full one is $149 right now at Toys R Us plus you can get the $10 off coupon on a $100 order from the toy catalog if it was mailed to you. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51qVqSPyDoL._AA160_.jpghttp://www.toysrus.com/graphics/product_images/pTRU1-15216529dt.jpg
  23. Depending on size you can get up for 40% on shutterfly...http://www.shutterfly.com/i/test_target/cards-stationery/cs004/promo/1108453_cs_test_promo_up40_1111.gif
  24. Yes. If it's for a younger child you might be able to get by with a 4GB, but we aren't huge gamers and went over that pretty quick. No other differences besides hard drive space. The 4GB has space to be upgraded (you can buy a hard drive separate and it's super easy to just plug it in). Both of our XBox's are 4GB and we got the hard drives as add-ons. I was able to get such good deals on 4GB at the time it was cheaper to take the deal and buy the hard drive. The second time the hard drive also came with the full Lego Star Wars 3 game for free. These were both a couple years ago, lots of deals on 250GB now so it might not work out to be cheaper up front now. Also, on our first one we bought a 60GB drive, much cheaper than the full 250. We didn't need the full 250, just more than the 4. It all comes down to the deal you get on it I guess.
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