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Posts posted by SuperMommy

  1. My husband will be getting to target at 2-3am...last year he got there at 4-5am and was really far back. I dont want the tv but really NEED that dual screen portable dvd player...hopefully they will have a bunch of those. I will be at kmart at 3am..so hopefully betwen both we will get everything we want =)

    Just an FYI...I went to Target at 12 noon and still got the dual DVD players last year. Target was in another town from where we started BF, it was the last one, but we still got it.

  2. Wow-their 32"tv listed is 2 more than Target and the small appliances are 1 more, think that will make people go to Target?

    Something tells me that people will still go to WalMart. Especially stores that are open 24 hours. Waiting inside is SO much better than waiting outside in the cold!! The temperature difference is definately worth it to me!! I was planning on going to Target for that tv, but if this is ture I'll go to WalMart. Emerson makes a decent tv. We need a new bedroom tv and the one we have in here now is an Emerson, I've had it for 9 years and it has JUST started messing up.

  3. There is no time to sleep!!!! Turkey Day with family, dropping Kaylie off at her Grandma's, then a few LARGE cups from Starbucks before they close for my hubby and myself...then to begin the frenzy at Toys R Us @ 12am!!!


    I'm used to pulling all nighters in the ER with my daughter...no biggie to stay up all night. It's easier to stay awake than sleep for a few hours...then I just feel like crap.

  4. The rebates are a usual thing for many stores on BF. They are a tiny hassel, but I usually spend no more than 30 minutes every year filling my forms out and have NEVER had a problem with receiving any back. I have been doing them for 6 years now. Just be aware of if the rebate requires a copy of the original receipt and of the date by which it needs to be sent in b/c they all have a date which they must be postmarked.


    If it's not worth it to you then you will be best to avoid them, but if you are willing they produce great savings. I usually get $100-$200 a year back in rebates.

  5. This is just so sad- Thanksgiving is a day that should be spent with family and/or friends giving thanks for all the many blessings that we have been given living in the BEST country in the entire world. It is heartbreaking that this day has been turned into such a retail frenzy. I find it heartbreaking that people who are already in line would choose saving a few dollars over time spent with family and friends.:(


    I agree!! Thanksgiving comes first, then go get in line. I'm not willing to skip Thanksgiving dinner (which we eat around 3 @ my grandmothers) for any item. I'm probably getting in line around 11pm Thanksgiving night.

  6. Hey guys, I am looking for one of those controllers for my tree. You know the ones that make the lights chase, blink, etc. My individual strands of lights have 16 functions, but they came from Wal-Mart and are impossible to control. You have to find the individual boxes and they are impossible to tell what setting you are on. I want one central box that controls all of them. The cheapest one I've seen is $130 and it looked like an outside one. I'm having trouble finding a small one that's just for my tree.
  7. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper and homemade bows!! I will spend an hour on 1 present.


    2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial, we had a real one once and never again!!! They're messy!


    3. When do you put up the tree? Yesterday (Sunday before Thanksgiving)

    4. When do you take the tree down? Sometime in January


    5. Do you like eggnog? YUCK!!!!


    6. Favorite gift received as a child? My basketball goal I got in 1st grade


    7. Hardest person to buy for? Well, thankfully she's gone now (my ex stepmother)


    8. Easiest person to buy for? my sister in law (we have the same tastes)


    9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes, but it's a Precious Moments (my daughters)


    10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? don't really remember


    11. Favorite Christmas Movie? Christmas with the Kranks


    13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? the day after Christmas..


    14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? nothing big, just "side gifts"


    15. Favorite thing to do at Christmas? Wrap presents, SHOP, drive around and look at Christmas lights (sorry, can't pick just one_


    16. Lights on the tree? Of course, but white lights


    17. Favorite Christmas song? can't pick just one


    18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay in town, all our family is here


    19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's?

    Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen...Rudolph, and Chet (Santa Clause 2)..lol



    20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Ours is actually a snowflake


    21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning


    22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?The weather, it's cold but no snow (we live in a valley)


    23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Ours are mostly blue and silver


    24. Favorite food for Christmas dinner? Dressing, my grandmother makes it for xmas too


    25. What do you want for Christmas this year? To be at home and not in the hospital with DD

  8. I would have to disagree and say that the economy has more effect on the pricing than the attention. If you pay attention to ALL sales throughout the year NONE of them are as good. Things like Back to School sales, Memorial Day sales, etc. that used to containg fantastic deals just are barely worth going to anymore. Retailers just don't have as much leway (sp?) these days. And with media attention or not they know that they are going to have customers for these sales.


    The average person (not the people on here) think that just because it has the word "sale" attached to it that it's automatically way cheaper. That's just not true. EX, my husband works reatial and his company will put something out on the shelves for a week or so then mark it down to where it will stay. They intend for it to be the cheaper price all along but by doing it this way they can legally advertise that it is a sale price and people assume they are getting a great deal when actually they just marked the original price way up and then marked "sale" to "trick" consumers. This happens with many companies. Just like with the BF ads. Just b/c it's in the ad everyone assumes that its a great deal. There have always been shoppers for BF, so the companies know that they will have plenty of consumers. For me it's more about the tradition and the rush of it. There are always going to be soem things that I'll enjoy getting and there are good deals to be had, they're just not always on the bigger items.


    If anything I think the only hurt that all this media attention has brought to us is that we have to get in line WAY earlier. (Thanks alot Brad!!:mad:) j/k...please don't ban me:tongue1:

  9. My wife got out of bed early this morning, went to Walmart, got a $298 laptop, and now tells me we do not need to camp out at BB because the laptop was the only thing we needed this year. We have done Black Friday ever since we have been married, and the kids really look forward to camping out every year. Any suggestions?


    Yup, leave her home and go without her!!!


    DH doesn't hate my BF ways, but thinks I'm crazy (in a silly way). He doesn't go with me b/c he's a store manager and has to work, but one day he'll go with me. I've already told him that I'll bribe him. :)

  10. Sorry, I saw a post on the Prime Outlets-Pleasent Prarie and the outlets here were NOT having the same "giveaways" so I thought I'd post in case anyone wanted to know......:o


    No need to be sorry, I was just adding that fact in so that everyone would know it should be there's as well. I'm surprised it's not at that outlet. DH is a store manager at a Prime Outlets and the mall manager said that ALL Prime Outlet Centers. But I think it's up to the individual marketing manager to post it for each center.

  11. Georgia is losing ALL stores but 2 and those are sort of in town where there is not alot of competition. The local Atlanta TV stations did a story on it last night. I know Rome,GA and a store in central/South Georgia are the only ones that will be open now.



    Woo Hoo! The one in Rome is the one close to me! I bet it's staying open b/c they have no competition. There is no Best Buy within an hour of here.

  12. If you have a Dollar Tree in your area, definitely go there and search. I got a ton of decorations from there last year and I loved them all. Most of the Christmas decor is really cute. Tons of ornaments and little decorations and all one dollar, I love it! Good luck decorating your first apartment.

    Ditto, they have tons of decor. And you wouldn't have to spend alot, so you wouldnt feel bad about using them then buying new later.


    Also I see everyone saying that you're in Florida, not sure where but if you are anywhere near a Garden Ridge they have excellent prices!!!

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