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Everything posted by nuromutt

  1. Dunno about the Cuisinart. I just ordered the KitchenAid 10-piece $99 + free shipping (reg $390) for my wife and will let you all know what that is like when it shows up. I got her a KitchenAid mixer for Christmas so this will be a bonus to that. She has been using the same pans and mixer we got as wedding gifts in 1995 so she is long overdue for an upgrade.
  2. I had to look behind some boxes across the aisle but I also found 2 of the airbeds for 6.24. Could have used them for the extra 11 people I had staying over at my house on Thanksgiving but I'll be prepared for Christmas!
  3. I posted this in a different thread: I have the 32" and like it very much. 720p, great color, beautiful picture. Does have tuner. Only 2 issues I have are I tried 4 different universal remotes and no go on adding the TV, and there is no coax cable connector in the back so no choice on hooking up regular cable. Love it though. I got it for $540 at ABC 2 months ago and feel it was worth every penny. If you are getting HDTV for the first time though realize the investment in cables you will have to add also, ~$40 each if using nitrogen injected. Again, worth it for the picture though. http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/OLEVI...oductDetail.do
  4. Well, first post :) . Just read the Target newbie guide and printed off the UPC list to take with me for a first time bargain hunting trip. Our Target (Jenison, MI) seems to be behind the ball. Although most items showed up in the scanner when I punched the numbers in, not a single thing was listed as in stock. This includes 2 Titanium Darth Vader's that I found shoved behind a bunch of other Star Wars stuff on the shelf. So we ended up saving ~$12 each on the Vader's (I got 2 boys) and picked up a couple $1 Halloween Tshirts but couldn't find anything else. Have 2 other Targets within 30 minutes but don't know if it is worth driving over to be disappointed. Maybe if I keep at this I'll develop a thicker skin. Anyways, I do appreciate the work you all do, at least I got a couple of stocking stuffers at a good price if nothing else.
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