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Everything posted by dawnelise0004

  1. I was bored this morning and ad scan hunting and ended up on some weird website, but found the Walmart Ad scan. At first I was totally sure it had to be last years, but then the front cover showed Nov. 28th. So I looked to see if all the deals mentioned on CNN were in it and they were. Well of course I called my best friend and we copied to ads and viewed them in photoshop. It was such a relief with they got posted on here a couple hours later cause I felt like I was gonna fall out in the floor in bust from trying not to say anything. I'm assuming it is now "safe" to discuss this since it's out now and I was a good girl and didn't say anything before hand. Did anyone else find it early as well and have to keep mum about it?
  2. The front of the ad scan shows 5 am.
  3. Yep, it is the smaller one, not the big 2 seater ones. Also, I checked earlier and could not find the smaller ones on WalMart.com anymore. The big ones are still on there though. Wonder if they will be put back on there for BF or if it will be one of those things you can only find in the store.
  4. Thanks whoever deleted my other post (including the "wrong" color ad scan it was the one from 2007...lol) - seriously (not saying this in a smart way). But I wondered why it looked the same so I started comparing the 2 ads and a good portion of the ads are the same. They are redoing most of the exact same deals from last year. Doesn't that seem silly? I guess I just think each BF should be different from the last. If I didn't want it last year or if I did buy it last year then I'm not going to need it again this year. I went back and compared 2006 to 2007 and there were only like 3 things that were the same deal between the two. Wonder why they are doing so much of the same or almost the same stuff (like 2007 was a Barbie Styling Head, and this year is a Barbie Styling Head just a different name for example).
  5. Yeah, it's looking to me like in regards to Doorbusters that they went for quanity instead of quality in the amount of stuff. Just because they have tons more doorbusters this year, last years doorbusters were better deals IMO.
  6. Is it bad that I'm far more impressed with Brad being able to get the info up before any other site than I am with the actual deals in the TRU ad itself...lol?
  7. Forget jaw dropping deals - I'd just be happy with a decent deal on something I actually need to buy. Like the TRU for instance. I was chomping at the bit for it to come out - it comes out - looks long and good - I go through it - 75% of the list I still have no clue what it is (and when you have 3 kids you should be able to recognize more than 25% by name...lol). And the 25% I do know what it is, is so far off from being anything I actually could use it's not funny. I was expecting to have a list of like 15 or more things off the TRU list and I have 3 written down *sigh.
  8. Ahhh I'm going to go nutso over here with anticipation!
  9. To me the whole concept of holding something for 24-48 hours seems kinda dumb. Otherwise why even give dates for the sale. Cause "technically" if all of that particular item is already on hold, then there aren't any in the store to be sold the day of the sale. I would almost think that would fall under false advertising.
  10. I posted this in other thread somewhere so I won't rehash the whole horrid story. But don't count on your Wal-Mart price matching (especially any early bird or doorbuster deals - but also the other all day BF deals). The manager of my local store verified to me directly before BF that they were price matching but on BF once I was in line suddenly they weren't price matching. Wasted a ton of time and was told by employees that "I" need to go get a manager myself - it was just horrible. One thing I have noticed about WalMart's doorbusters or whatever they call them - they are always the cheapest crap in the store. They are never good quality toys. Like last year they had that pretend nursery set for baby dolls, yet that fell apart 2 weeks after Christmas, and there has been more than one thing that was missing pieces or damaged once I got it home and inspected it. I'm not boycotting them because of the ad drama, I'm boycotting them cause they hands down have the worst customer service, cheaply made products, horrible lines, and dirty cluttered stores. I want to enjoy my BF experience, not have a panic attack from it...lol.
  11. Looking at my every growing list the 2 stores that will get most of my money (so far) are gonna be Target and Kmart (on BF not Thanksgiving). I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting Toys R Us - that usually is the biggest chunk of my shopping with 3 kids ages 8 and under. So if Toys R Us has weak deals I'm gonna be quite disappointed the last bit of excitement for BF is dependent on them at this point. Since I am personally avoiding WalMart like the plague this year it has really things up for me.
  12. Hi everyone! My name is Deanna. I am 27 and live in Lewisville, NC. I've been married for 5 years to my husband Dave, and we have 3 kids and soon to have a dog as well :) I'm a stay at home mom. I grew up in the Winston-Salem area of NC, and my husband is originally from La Plata, MD. We met in Roanoke, VA and lived there up until April 2007. We moved to Clemmons, NC to a house we really loved, but our home was hit by a tornado in May of this year so we had to move to the house we live in now. Besides shopping and Black Friday, other things I enjoy are genealogy, reading, and World of Warcraft. I am starting school in January to work on my Associates in Business Administration (International Business). I've done Black Friday for 5 years I think and it's gotten a little more obsessive for me each year. I mostly buy for my kids and husband, but occasionally pick stuff up for other family or friends. I think my favorite things about BF are 1) that rush you get during the wait - kinda like Christmas morning as a kid when you are waiting for all the adults to get their coffee fixed and such so you can start tearing into presents 2) having 36 hours of ME time, to be with my friends and aunts to just shop and have adult conversation and 3) BF and Thanksgiving for me are kind of the "start" of the Christmas season for me - it always gets me in the Christmas mood.
  13. Kinda stealing other ideas and lumping them together...lol. Maybe a scavenger hunt where you have to photograph different people holding a page printout (like the other contest) and who ever gets it all done first wins (i.e. lady with red hair wearing a green shirt). I liked the random acts of kindness thing that someone else mentioned. Maybe list 5 acts of kindness and people can post when they have done all five and briefly explain what they did for each - like maybe make a food basket for an elderly person as an example. Of course this would be on the honor system, but if you have to lie about giving food to an elderly person that is just sad...lol. One that is good for a little sillyness might be have someone take a sleeping bag and be in their PJs and go outside a major store like WalMart or Best Buy and they have to set up near the door with a sign that says "Black Friday or Bust" and make it look like they are already getting in line for it weeks early and then post the photograph here. I also like the quiz ideas mentioned as well - a Christmas Carol quiz, a Christmas History quiz, an Anagram Quiz, a Number Quiz (7 wonders of the world, 7 dwarfs, 3 ghosts of Christmas,), etc.
  14. Oh, I don't even need to get started on price matching last year at Wal-Mart...it is truly the closest I have ever come to commiting murder...(j/k sorta..). I called the day before Thanksgiving and on Thanksgiving itself. Spoke with a manager and assistant manager (took note of both their names). Both said that they would be price matching anything except doorbusters from other stores - if it wasn't an early bird deal they would definately price match. So like an idiot I assumed there would be no problems come BF. Fastfoward to BF. I am in line about to check out and the cashier says, "oh we don't price match on BF". I wasn't even gonna waste my time talking it out with her cause I knew it would go no where so I asked to speak with a manager. Her response (without checking) was that the managers were busy and if I wanted to talk with one I would have to go find one myself. So, here I go on the manager hunt. I find an assistant manager at the back of the store after fighting my way back through the mosh pit near the old layaway area (where they were doing the electronics early birds). I explained to him how I had spoke with the manager and another assit. manager the 2 previous days and what they said. And he said that what they told me was accurate and to go back, get in line and tell the cashier his name and that what I was saying was right, and if there were any problems to have them radio him. So, back through the pit, wait in line, different cashier since the last one was such a little ray of sunshine and all, response "we don't price match on BF", give her assit. managers name what he said and to radio him if there was any confusion. About this time a lady who to this day I'm not really sure what her position in the store was...lol - comes up and tells me to my face that they don't price match on BF and it doesn't matter who I talked to - they aren't going to do it. I am usually a fairly agreeable person and can remain calm. But at this point I was TICKED off. I won't go into the horridly long details of the next 45 MIN., but it continued back and forth like that with different people and by the time it was over it involved every manager of any sort in the store, a regional manager on the phone, and FINALLY my vindication (but get this - after the regional manager clearly told Ms. Snotty Lady (the one I don't know what her position was) that they were price matching, she had me go to customer service to check out - and I heard her tell someone in the line back to the left of CS that Walmart wasn't price matching. I about fell out in the floor... Needless to say there will be no Wal-Mart on BF for me this year, and my days of price matching are over - I have 3 small kids - I need no extra stress in my life...lol - I'll go where the deals are and phooey on the rest of it.
  15. Well after last years Wal-Mart nightmare, which involved a 2 hour showdown with me and several managers and a phone conversation with the regional office I had already pretty much decided no Wal-Mart this year, but after the ad thing that is a 100% definate. Yeah I ended up at a Wal-Mart last year that said Wal-Mart didn't price match any Black Friday adds...so you can probably imagine how well that went. But in the end I did prevail!
  16. Winston-Salem, NC for me (and later in the day might head down to Concord Mills) - shopping anywhere BUT Wal-Mart this year. ToysRUs will probably be high on my list along with Best Buy.
  17. As long as she feels that she can physically handle it I would let her go. Store employees that are pregnant are expected to work those days so it's really no different than that. And if she has a baby due soon then she is probably needing some of the "good deals" offered that day to save some money :) And if it's her first baby then this will be the last BF she will have child-free so let her enjoy it - before she has to start worrying about finding a babysitter or taking the baby with her.
  18. I emailed them and I think I was fairly tactful...lol. The thing that just pissed me off is how the guy sounded like he worked for the companies or something w/ that whole - "Don't go to gottadeal at all" (or whatever he said to that affect)...
  19. Roanoke here, but will be in NC for my BF shopping.
  20. It was funny, I called KB toys to ask them a questions about part of their sale Friday, and the manager was like "You have a sales paper???"...I metioned that I had seen it 'various' places online and such - and she just started laughing and then went ahead and answered my questions. It was almost like a 'speak-easy' type conversation. Like if I hadn't verified that I really KNEW what the sales were gonna be then we couldn't discuss it or something...
  21. I just called the KB I will be going to and the manager told me ALL Fisher Price toys will be B1g1F, not just toddler ones --- WOOT!!! *(doing the happy dance all over the living room....)
  22. I am hoping it's everything as well but judging by the picture in the add I am inclined to think it might just be Preschool type stuff since no toy for an older child is pictured...
  23. Shamelessly bumping this cause I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to know...
  24. Ok, the KB toys add has all Fisher Price toys Buy 1 Get 1 Free... Is there a limit to the number of times you can do that or can I buy like 10 things and get 1/2 of them free (I am assuming it is the ever famous - of lesser or equal value)? I can't make out the fine print on the ad scan and really really need some clarification on this. Like 1/2 of my total kids shopping is Fisher Price and I need to return some things if this deal is repeatable. Any help is greatly appreciated :)
  25. Last year (here in Roanoke, VA) - I got to Best Buy at like 4:45 - there was a line out into the parking lot waiting for the doors to open. They opened at 5 and my 10 min. after 5 the wait to check out was 2 1/2 hrs. long!!! I was a very naughty girl and hid the 2 DVD's I was getting under a rack in the office furniture area and came back that evening and got them. Normally I would have just toughed it out, but I had to pick up my shopping buddy at her house at 5:30 - and I don't think she would have been too pleased had I shown up at like 8...lol. I usually am out and headed to my first destination by 4:30 at the latest.
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