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Everything posted by dramaqueen72500

  1. I just looked at walmart.com and it looks like the $598 price is just $100 off the normal price. I am condsidering paying the extra $100 so I don't have to spend 10 hours in line (and miss out on the outlet mall shopping at 12 am!)
  2. So what time should I line up for the 50 in. Sanyo? And, is this the best deal on this size TV?
  3. What does everyone think of the 50 in. TV? That is on the top of my list.
  4. I have NEVER done Best Buy before but am a veteran BF shopper. What time should I line up for the $179 laptop? How many of these items does BB usually have in stock? AND, is this really a great deal? I would spend an extra $50 or so dollars to NOT go to BB on BF.
  5. I am so mad at myself! I do not know why I had it in my head it was the 6 pack - I see 8 packs every time I go and I don't even bother with them because I was sure it wasn't the right size! I am going to target right this second!
  6. I haven't been lucky enough to find one but I read it is the 6 packs.
  7. My regular Target doesn't carry many uniforms so I had to go a few towns over. The cashier was a crab and didn't like my coupons. Her name tag said she was a "trainer" so I knew she would scrutinize every one of them. She wouldn't even try to scan both of them! She just kept saying I would have to buy $60 in clothes not $30. I was going to ask for a manager but because it is Saturday the store was crazy, so I just left.
  8. I just bought this last night at 75% off. I don't know if this is the "big one" though. 15X42 metal pool regular - $349.96 for $87.48 dcpi - 091110201
  9. That is so great! I have some of the same coupons and am planning my trip now. I am a long time Target shopper but I have a question about some Target coupons. I got a Target back to school flyer in the mail and in the coupon booklet there are 2 coupons- one $5 off of a $25 a kid's apperal purchase and one for $5 off of a $30 uniform purchase. If I buy $30 in uniforms do you think I can use both coupons? Techinically I am buying $30 in uniforms and then $25 in uniforms/kid's apperal, right?
  10. I hope I can find one! I have been watching and I saw them at 15% and then at 30%. I haven't been to Target all week so I hope I didn't already miss out!
  11. So bummed - all of our pool and outdoor summer was 50% and no sand/water tables! I did get a sand bucket at 75%.
  12. This is also when the stores in Homewood, Il and St. John Indiana went last year.
  13. I know it was mentioned that some people were finding MM 10 packs for $2.99 so I looked while I was on a toy run yesterday. I didn't see the actual packages but the shelf did have a tag that read 10 packs for $2.99 previously $4.99. This was for apple, grape and fruit punch. I wonder if they will no longer carry the 15 packs that were $4.99? The shelf only had 3 packages of the 15 packs on it and I have never seen the store let the shelf get so low before restocking it. I am so sad, searching for MM was a favorite pastime - at least I found a total of 7 packages the first week of July!
  14. I saw 2 LPS toys. The one I got is a little digital toy and the other one there was a little key chain thing with erasers and a little note pad. None of the pets or the sets were marked down. I only saw a few FP toys. I know I saw a cash register and some clippo sets and I picked up a garden play set that I think is FP. There were some Parents toys there - so that made up for the lack of FP.
  15. 75% off here today. I tried to go right at 8 but I had a meeting so I got there around 930. I am glad I waited because the mark down team was only about half way done. There was no one shopping so it was nice to be all alone! The mark down girls were so nice and scanned everything for me that wasn't already done. I ended up with 5 bags of toys and spent $80.
  16. Thank you so much for this! I got the cherry blossom market during the last target toy clearance but I didn't get the accessories.
  17. I actualy find that things I think I will use / love are the things I never use / hate. Last year everything I bought "because it's a great deal" are the things I ended up loving and using everyday.
  18. I would like to find a small flat screen for DD9 and a larger one for the family room. I also am keeping my eyes open for a digital camera for DD9. If I find any of these things cheap before BF then I will grab them.
  19. It's the ribbed tanks
  20. Hopefully it will be like the $3 graphic tees. That crowd was nothing like the flip flop sale.
  21. This happened to me twice while I was pregnant last year. Once with a crib sound machine (someone took the new one and replaced it with a very worn out, broken old one) and then once with a baby carrier/back pack (took the new one and replaced it with a cheaper carrier --when I opened the box it smelled like fabric softener, so at least the person washed the used carrier before returning it!) Both times I opened the box after about a week of buying them so I still had the receipts. I called the manager and told her what I was returning so I wasn't given a hard time--and I was glad I did because both times the employee didn't want to return it for me. I have learned my lesson now and I always open everything the same day I buy it.
  22. Wow, that's a great find. My store just put those out about 2 weeks ago. My husband was eyeing them but I told him he had to wait. Was the box open or anything? 90% off seems too good to be true!
  23. I have never seen gentle care diapers in large boxes. I think it's just the Supreme and the regular red & white packages that come in those boxes.
  24. Can I just make copies of the original coupon or will the copies be no good? I did go back and print a second original copy and the numbers on the bar code are different the second time around. I guess I can go around to all the different computers in the office and print more!
  25. Thanks so much for this I have two girls under 18 months and we use wipes for hands, faces and bottoms! Is $5.99 the sale price for that size of wipes? I usually buy them in huge cases so I am unsure. Thanks again!
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