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  1. I don't know if it's still working, but you might check this out: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=70817 LB is one coupon code per online order.
  2. Cool - gonna try it this weekend!
  3. New 60% off code "MADNESS" good through 03/21/07.
  4. I never got any either. At least they didn't charge my card, but I'd rather they'd sent the patches.
  5. There was a 50% off code ("BREAK"), but I think it ended 03/21. There are usually 50%-75% off codes around the end of the month.
  6. New 50% code "SALE" thru 03/11. Happy eating!
  7. We've had DirecTV for about 3 years now in our house with no problems. As with jukus, cable is not available in our area, but we are happy with our DirecTV service and especially with the DVR. We have a telephone line going to our main DirecTV box which means that we can order pay-per-view, etc from that box. We have an additional box in DS's room, but I don't believe that one is or has ever been connected to a phone line. In any event, you would not need separate phone lines - just access to your main phone line for the boxes to be able to use periodically. Some of the current offers include free HBO and Cinemax for 3 months. When we installed, ours included free receivers and a free DVR. I'm going to make a shameless plug here - any DirecTV subscriber can get a credit for referring a new member, so if you decide you'd like to sign up, you might consider letting someone here refer you.
  8. You can also try www.halfpricedmags.com. I've used that one for some good deals.
  9. I bought my son a slvr l7 off ebay for Christmas. It works fine with our service, just needed to have the web stuff set up. I paid about $150 with shipping for it - about $100 less than anywhere else. You can also try myworldphone.com for unlocked phones.
  10. Great - thanks! My son has GC's he was waiting to use. (He's turned into a real bargain-hunter)
  11. Here's information on google checkout through buy.com: http://www.buy.com/corp/promos/google_offer.asp?adid=17073&dcaid=17073 The offer expires 02/15, I believe and it is only for NEW google checkout members. I don't know how difficult it would be to be a new member again, but between DH and I Google must have given us over $100 towards our Christmas shopping.
  12. Half Priced Mags has the following: Black Enterprise - $3.99 for one year, 5.99 for two, etc. http://www.halfpricedmags.com/pd_black.cfm Good Housekeeping - $3.99 for one year http://www.halfpricedmags.com/pd_good.cfm I've found other good prices through them as well - but they're not searched by magazinepricesearch.com
  13. Cool! My DD will love this - she has an ever-expanding menagerie of stuffed animals and loves Nintendogs, etc.
  14. You can probably even get AXE gift sets on clearance right now. I know our Wal-Marts had them. My 16 y/o also likes Lacoste Essentials, Adidas Moves, Curve Soul, the colognes from Abercrombie, American Eagle & Aeropostale (those all smell the same to me) as well as scented body washes.
  15. Unfortunately, those don't ship for 4-6 weeks (unless something has changed since this morning). I'll take a look, though.
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