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  1. Lowes also has a "toilet to go" everything you need in one box. we got ours a few months back & they were $69. for it all. Just take it home & install.
  2. Have you tried sucking the air out of them? Think a person could make them flat? I've got a lot of bedding. Some I collected for hurricane victums,but after a while they didn't want them. Thought I would just save them ,since I live so close to tornado alley. Thanks for the idea.
  3. Has anyone ever seen a great deal on multiple space bags? How about coupons,are there any out there? I'm spring cleaning & man do I need these. Thanks
  4. WOW Thanks I watch the ads for Oreck & I thought they were great. Now I will look around some before buying. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks for trying. I wasn't sure where to put this question.
  6. Please , I need an e-mail address for HP to complain about a combo pack of black & color ink,that was/is completely dried up. Thanks.
  7. Anyone ever see a good deal on Oreck Vacs. I understand they are the best. I have dogs in the house & I live on a farm ,so I need a really great vac. Thanks for any help coupons or advice.
  8. One of my G'son is just coming into his "manhood". He likes smelling good. Anyone know what the boys/young men are wearing these days.? And maybe where I can get some/samples to start would be good. He also is just starting to shave. I see the samples,etc for girls ,anything like that for boys? Thanks & HAPPY NEW YEAR.!!
  9. I was in Bed, Bath & Beyond a couple days ago. They have a pot that grinds,& makes coffee ,for $149.00 It was &139. if you didn't want stainless steel. I really liked it but I'm waiting untill after Christmas ,then maybe it will be on sale & I can use coupons too. Oh and I believe you can make 10-12 cups but only take one at a time if you wish.
  10. There are a lot of stores that if the price goes down with in 30 days of your purchase they will refund the difference. All you have to do is have your receipt & ask.
  11. As my Mom got older ,She passed Jan 2006,age 90. There was nothing she wanted or needed. My best gift to her was to take her to Walmart & Long John Silvers. They ended up being her 2 favorite places. No gifts just spend some time with the older person. They get so lonesome.
  12. Hello All, I have been here a couple months now. My Hubby thinks I am addicted. Recently I was very ill but I would drag my sick body out of bed at least once a day to check GottaDeal.LOL Left all the mail go but had to check this place. Do you think I'm addicted ,Do I need Dr. Phil.??? Merry Christmas to All. Granny to 39.
  13. WOW Thanks I guess If there is a will there is a way-- especially to cheat.
  14. I live in a very rural area. So no walking,actually he beeps the horn for us to come to the truck if he has something too big for the box. Si I usually give food ,snack items. Fruit if not freezing weather or baked goods. Once in really cold weather I even put a small thermos of hot chocolate. He brought it back later w/a thank you note.
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