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Everything posted by tjarena

  1. I went to my Target today, a lot of light bulbs only one or two tampered with but not one red card, I wonder if they were all put away. I saw a power washer in a beat up box all by itself, I got so excited because this is something we could never really afford. My heart was racing as I lugged it over to the price checker. My two small boys and I lugged it up to the price checker, it was so heavy. My palms were sweaty in anticipation and it was two hundred dollars-I never have any luck getting the deals you guys get. Maybe I should just give up-I'm a target failure!
  2. Please what coupon in the paper for the video games
  3. Has anybody seen deals to Alaska? Would love to take my dd, who is graduating from HS, but the airfare plus the cruise is killing me! Airfare from Florida is almost 1000$. Anybody gone from Florida to Alaska?
  4. I feel so sorry for you Floridasunshine, did you check in the store-maybe someone was nice enough to turn your bag in. I did that before-left cases of water or other stuff in the cart because one of my three boys distracted me.
  5. I have had alot of problems with WD meat being not good, moldy or smelling bad so I stay away from it Does any one else. Maybe it was that particular store.
  6. Today was one of the few times I left my Target without any good deals(I'm still trying to get over missing the Disney Mix Max). Abouat the bikes a lot of them are unmarked so your best bet is to have a target person scan them with a price thingy. I got one yesterday for 25, not as good as 17 but I'll take it!
  7. I feel a little better because I checked the Disney web site and they only had 4 movies for the mix max and they were all for girls- will they be making more? does anyone know anything about these clips?
  8. I wish someone from target managment could help me make sense of their methods of doing things.why do some stores have the mix max and other stores cleared them out? If I knew why I might not be so upset! At the risk of sounding like I'm whinning or is it whining I want a mix max!
  9. I happened to be at my Walmart when they announced 50% off, but it was only at that store until 5pm I asked the manager if it was all stores and he said no, so it is only when they announce it-I guess you have to be lucky
  10. I am so upset because i was watching the disney mix things for about two weeks, my Target too had about 20 of them, I went yesterday and they were all gone! I really need someone to find out where and why Can't Target just lower the price to sell them. What is the point of them going to Goodwill when people could buy them at a cheaper price when they normally couldn't Isn't that charity? I wanted them so bad and now i'll never be able to afford them. Please help!
  11. At my Target the color wonders are in stationary by the scrapbooking stuff, but I think what happens is the employees snatched them all, because my Target had about 20 of them when they were 50% and all of a sudden when they wnt to 75% they were gone! I was watching them like a hawk too, so the only explanation is the employees, that's problably why a lot of people can't find them. Maybe I should get a job at Target!
  12. Its freezing here in Southwest Florida, I had to put long pants and a jacket on my kids. Oh, the temp is about 70 degress LOL!
  13. Are there good Target deals in Lee county? It would be worth the drive for me, the one in Naples is small
  14. I see there are some people from Florida, anyone from the southwest Florida region?
  15. I use Costco for both my eyeglasses, and myDD contacts, and I love them! The prices are good, the eye Dr was great, and I had no problems. I would recommend them.
  16. If anyone is looking for a bike, we use them all year round in Florida, except when its 100 degrees in the summer, I got one today marked down from 80 dollars to 30. Also there was a lot of employees lurking about with the price checker machiny thing(don't know what it's called) marking things down, so I think Thursdays is a good day to go to Target, well everyday is a good day to go to Target but more so on thursdays!
  17. A great big thank you to the apple juice poster, I got 4 of these today for .69 In case you need these juice boxes I found that the fruit punch also is .69 cents! Other than that my Target has no other bargains. Have my eye on a clearence bike. Does anyone know how often they mark these bikes down? once a week or less often ?
  18. I went to Target today, and it seems with all the Christmas stuff gone there is not much clearence that are good deals, toys still too high and i'm getting frustrated, when will they mark them down, I hope I don't miss it like last year. My Target has no air freshners, apple juice, or cascade-total bummer
  19. I was at my Joanns yesterday. 11They had a ton of Xmas left, I think because it was so overpriced, the manager told me it would go to 9 0% on the 12th.I think most people are done with buying xmas so you might want to wait.
  20. Just wanted to add the only reason I can think of why they are so picked out is that all the older folks are here for season and since they don't have much to do they shop and grab all the good stuf-lol!
  21. Hi I'm from Florida, my Targets have been 90% for couple of days and really picked over, none of those deals other people are getting, I'm waiting for the toys to go lower but they seem pretty picked over too!
  22. Wow you found alot of great buys, my Targets prices on those toys is more. There sure is a huge difference between Targets, sometimes I get a little jealous because my Target never seems to have as great deals
  23. I guess there really is no way of knowing when the toys will go lower, I don't want to spend a lot of money since the toys aren't that great, but I hate to wait too long like I did last year and " miss the boat" What a delimma(did I spell that right) Maybe Gator Pam knows what to do!
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