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Everything posted by Cinnamonhuskies

  1. I like the Lee jeggings and lined flannel shirts I got last year at BF.......these are a couple dollars more this year but still worth it. One son needs a new comforter set and the other needs a shop vac. DH wanted an electric skillet for the camper, last year i got one for the house for $9 this year they have a different brand for $15....meh.
  2. Last year I got a Farberware Instant Pot for around$39 on Walmart's BF...... cant say Im impressed, its OK, but I am used to using a stovetop pressure cooker with the jiggly weight and the instant pot doesnt seem to cook as hot or completely.
  3. Kitchenaid 8 Quart Commercial grade stand Mixer $549.99 in dark pewter, regular price at Kitchenaid.com Store is $900. Largest mixer available without going tp Hobart. ships and sold by Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPRYY26/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2Q1K7P9UYD1V2
  4. Error 404: Not Found Sorry, the page you requested was not found. UTC Time: December 7, 2016 @ 9:38 am
  5. also not everything on the list has 100% points back...be sure to check the points award before you check out.
  6. the 9.99 crockpot goes in and out of stock. If not available, try again in a couple hours.
  7. When we had an artificial tree it was the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Now I do a real tree so I wait until the 15th of December and take it down New Years Day.
  8. Good grief I ask for a list in late October and told my adult boys the sales have started! One knew I meant business and promptly got me his. I got his shopping all done. the other one STILL hasnt. You snooze you lose! (LOL really i just have to guess then which is difficult)
  9. I like how it is. Makes it easy for me to locate what threads I need to read.
  10. I watched the video but the free sample button never appeared.
  11. I know the closest one is 4 hours away......I am looking for more things to add to cart lol although I saw used Kavu hipster bags like this used going for $13-$15 so with shipping you get a new bag for used prices....
  12. Who's got the best day-after-Christmas clearance sale on holiday items?
  13. I tried getting the griddle earlier this morning but it was in store only
  14. is there a link to the dvds schedule for the next 2 days? I had it then lost it.
  15. put a dvd in my cart then went to checkout and it was shipped only no store pickup so $4.97 added to my order for one dvd???? No thanks.
  16. personally, i feel sooo disorganized this year with all the different/surprise online start date and B&M start times......ugh I liked it better when it was one or two days and online could start at midnight..... Brad is there a listing (not the scan) of the Kmart Thanksgiving sale?
  17. Used my Paypal debit card. I emailed them to see if there was any warranty benefit. Nope, nada...they referred me to the manufacturer, pfft.
  18. (sob) our 50" RCA we bought in September is dead already, and beyond the warranty time as i didnt buy the extended from Kmart. Whats the best deal this BF for a 50" ? I mean one that i might actually have a chance at buying, unlike the nice $199 one a BB doorbusters.
  19. I really want the holiday socks that are regular $3 on BF will be $1 a pair.....saw them in store today, buy one pair get the other half off but why aren't they available online this year?! They are in the BF ad. I buy them every year early online.
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