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  1. You're not alone. Who woulda thunk that someone could be "sexy" singing a jingle?.....
  2. My local target has them in stock. Sold out on-line.
  3. OK, it's Tuesday. Did you talk to your brother? You seem to be one that may have "the scoop". Please help us!(Boy, I get excited easily...) I may speak for more than myself, when I say that I'm excited at the prospect of a Round II!
  4. I believe that you need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader. This link is to a PDF file, and you need this viewer to open it.
  5. I concur gentlemen, Thank you. :yup: :yup: :yup: :yup:
  6. Great idea! I fully support this idea! Next year, I will easily walk in to BB for a part time job. I'll take a few vacation days for BF, and I'll get EVERY one of the door busters! All because I'm an employee. I can make thousands on this deal. Especially with the other employees that I bankroll. (That was sarcasm, by the way....)
  7. I picked it up this morning at the Brick and Mortar for the "online only" price.
  8. VERY slow, and then....POOF! Site crashed by 1:11PM!
  9. Then let the store have a seperate and additional quantity set aside for working employees. The problem is letting the employee take from the advertised quanity!
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