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Posts posted by mom8w

  1. I noticed the "Pitch In Card" as a payment option the other day while making an online purchase, and thought I'd mention it here...nice way to perhaps squirrel away a little extra $ for B/B ahead of time. You do need to wait for a physical card to arrive before you can activate it. From what I read, there should be cards available in-store. FAQs are helpful for the details.
  2. My best black friday experiences were in my childhood. Our mornings started at Wonder World in Las Vegas. Santa arrived on a fire engine and tossed ping pong balls into the crowd. Specially marked balls received prizes. One year, my Mom lost her glasses in the melee, and my only memory of receiving an actual prize was a Fred Flintstone transistor radio. We travelled around town, and attended all of the arrivals, which were staggered through the morning.


    After Wonder World, it was on to Vegas Village, a local grocery chain, where a Christmas parade was followed by Santa's arrival, usually by a helicopter landing in the parking lot, and the tossing of candies to the audience. We spent many Thanksgiving days constructing our parade entries, and won many prizes over the years.


    Nowadays, I don't do well in the crowds. I live in a rural community where there is a significant population of snowbirds. Many of the items that interest me at our stores are still on the shelves later in the day, but with few of the big stores here, I do most of my b/f shopping online.

  3. I love the gift card idea...I have done this for birthday items this year, when funds permitted...especially when it came to electronics. My daughter's ipod was much easier to purchase with gift cards purchased here and there during my grocery trips.


    A couple of years ago, I started in September with a Wal-Mart gift card for $10, and added $10 or $20 on subsequent visits. By the time black friday rolled around, it was a helpful sum. I'd like to have started sooner this year, but will start in the next week or two on this strategy for this year.

  4. Question about the Zunes...what site/service do you use to download video and audio content for these? My older kids seem to have their hearts set on ipods, but I'm wondering if some of the alternative mp3 players would be just as nice.


    Thanks in advance!


  5. I was able to get the pixters online last year from Toys R Us...live in a rural community, so our in store options are limited. Seems like some of their items the previous year were online as well. Likewise, Walmart had some of their BF items online the last couple of years


    Keep your eyes on the online hot deals forum too, though...early December last year, Amazon.com had fantastic toy deals!

  6. Black Friday was really fun in the 70's! The big deal for my family was the "Santa Arrival", primarily at Wonder World and Vegas Village. Wonder World would have Santa arrive on a fire engine, tossing ping pong balls into the crowd. Marked balls were redeemed for prizes. My Mom got her glasses smashed in the melee one year. LOL! We generally made the rounds to 2 or 3 stores, as the arrival times were staggered throughout the morning.


    Then, it was on to Vegas Village, at least one, often two stores, in the afternoon. Santa arrived by helicopter, in the center of a large roped off area, and made the rounds tossing out candies. His arrival was preceeded by a Christmas parade. My parents spent many Thanksgiving days involving us kids in designing and putting together mini-floats and other entries, as the winning entries received gift certificates up to 100 dollars. We did really well one year, with my younger brother riding his big wheel with a spiraling Christmas tree surrounding him. We did a chicken wire candle, using tons of tissue paper to fill in color. Many people went all out, and it was a blast!


    I don't remember a thing about the shopping on those days...but we made lots of great memories participating in these events.

  7. Online was a mess...I was sick on Thanksgiving, and no way was I heading to the store...tried at 2 AM to order the few items I wanted, got to check out, and it wouldn't take gift cards...shortly thereafter, couldn't even get the pages to show regardless of payment method...Fri. morning, the pages wouldn't load...finally got 2 items after lunch. The next day, made a quick trip to Walmart for other stuff...noticed some of the out of stock online items piled high. Yesterday, was in electronics...the gb micros were in abundance, but now marked up to 59.xx. Lots of BF electronics and other stuff still in the aisles...don't know how they're gonna move those gameboys at this price if they didn't sell at the lower price.
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