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Everything posted by drpizza

  1. Meritline has this card for $15.95, FREE ground shipping, and no rebates to hassle with. $12 AR + 6shipping = 18, so this saves a couple bucks as well as the hassle. http://meritline.stores.yahoo.net/kingston-1gb-micro-sd-card.html (btw, Thanks, Brad; I just ordered a 2GB regular SD card from another deal here; and stumbled across the 1GB micro on accident.)
  2. B.J.'s has something similar (if not the exact same one). Additionally, they have one that is only the top half of the case (i.e. can set on a table). I've forgotten the prices, but I recall staring and pondering for a few moments before I regained my sanity; thus the price must have been pretty good. (I'm thinking $399, but don't quote me!)
  3. Thanks, Brad. Finally, a color my wife can live with and will match the kitchen. :) Thanks so much!
  4. A couple of situations when it's a great idea to pricematch: A) 110% pricematch policy... i.e. if their price is $100 more than the other store, they'll give you and extra $10 off. Occasionally, you can get a place to pricematch to the after rebate price (when it's a store rebate). This avoids the tax on the rebate amount.
  5. :) I've always thought that the fun part on Christmas was unwrapping the presents. The fun for kids at Easter is searching for those Easter baskets and eggs. With that in mind, I try to be creative each year so that getting to the gift is as much fun as receiving the gift.. Simpler: I wrap the gift in several layers of wrapping paper. Then, I cover it with a LOT of clear boxing tape (someone already suggested this in the thread) But, then I wrap it again with a few layers of wrapping paper. Then, more of the clear boxing tape. Over and over until I use up a roll or two of that boxing tape. The recipient gets through the boxing tape to the next layer of gift wrap, and looks relieved as if the contents are about to be revealed. Nope! More tape. Lather, rinse, repeat. For a coworker, I got him a really nice gift certificate so he could pick out the particular music he wanted. Rather than "wrap" it in an envelope, I sandwiched it between pieces of sheet metal and pop-riveted the metal all the way around. Everyone had a ball watching him try to open his present. And, for the wife, I spent a fortune on a ring that she really wanted for Christmas. We had hardwood floors throughout our house, and it was a pain in the neck to mop them with a cheapy mop from Wal-Mart. So, I went to a janitorial supply store, and spent about $100 on a nice mop, wringer, bucket, and several mop heads. The ring box extended below the mop bucket the same amount as the wheels. Complete disappointment when all the gifts were unwrapped. "You sure you opened all your gifts? Look under the bucket." Absolute elation. A year or two later, along the theme of the mile of clear plastic tape, I had a nice piece of jewelry simply placed inside an ornament on the tree. After going through several layers of boxes and a mile of tape, there was simply a note pointing to which ornament on the tree to break open. 30 minutes of unwrapping followed by the realization that the gift was in plain sight for weeks.
  6. victorian, with ribbons, etc. Usually blue or white lights. But, we keep it as simple as possible... Usually, we cut the tree fresh from our woods the day before christmas, put it up that day, then I take back down the day after Christmas and feed it to our pet goats.
  7. Darn them! It's never the color my wife wants, otherwise I'd snag one instantly for an xmas gift.
  8. Deal appears to be dead now. Has anyone ever seen a great deal on stainless steel/chrome for the artisan model?
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