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  1. Thanks!!! I saw at my walmart today they rolled back the price to 29.99. I think I will buy it now cause I don't want to risk not getting it. If I get one cheper on BF I will take it back.
  2. How much is it in the kohls ad?
  3. My daughter saw this on tv yesterday and really wants it. I looked around different sites and it is out of stock at all of them. I saw it in the target BF ad. does anyone have this game? is it worth the price?
  4. Kohls has one for $49.99 after rebate. but if you spend $50 you get $10 off :)
  5. Circut city has it for 13.99 this week!! :)
  6. Walmart because they match all my ads and I can still get other places by 5:30 a.m. :)
  7. My kids 8 and 10 years old have been playing this game at school in P.E. They love it and have both asked for it for christmas. Problem is I have no idea what it is or where to find it. Do you think it will be a door buster item anywhere?
  8. Thanks everyone!!! :)
  9. THNAK YOU :)
  10. I got an e-mail on October 30th about the big toy book and free shipping. But I have not reveived any other e-mails since then. I am on the e-mail list! When did you recieve this e-mail?
  11. I can't get the add with the link you posted! what is on it? Thanks
  12. Last year we went to Walmart @ 1:00 am. But the good thing was that we were done by 11:00 a.m. and got everything we wanted!!!! We even had time to wrap some gifts before the kids came home from grandmas!!!
  13. My Walmart is pretty good about doing exchanges. Last year I bought the game cube bundle and they exchanged my game it just had to be the same price. So i am hopeing they will exchange my shrek game for a ds game.
  14. I bought them both the nintendo ds lite for christmas at TRU in the bundle! I was going to go and exchange 1 of the games at walmart for the nintendogs.
  15. ajforeveryoung


    My daughter and son both want this game. Can they use the same game or do I need to buy them each one? Also which one is the best?? Dalmation, Lap etc. Thanks
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