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Posts posted by kellane26

  1. I got the TAG deal from Amazon, too not even knowing what I'm going to do with it. (How sad is that? But I couldn't pass it up. :D) DD will only be 3 on her birthday so I'm not sure if she's ready for it yet. I'll either give it to her or one of my friend's children who will be turning 5.
  2. Here's an email I just received from Old Navy:


    Take an EXTRA 50% off Old Navy Clearance!*


    4 DAYS ONLY--online and in stores! Don't miss your chance to save even more on already low prices, now through January 19.


    Enter promo code EXTRA50 at checkout.




    Here's what I just bought:


    Women's Long Layering Tanks 1.49

    Women's New Flip-Flops .99

    Women's 3/4-Sleeve V-Neck 2.99

    Slant Pocket Jeans for Baby 5.99

    Women's Rib-Knit V-Neck Cardigan 6.49

    Boys Graphic Waffle-Knit Tee 2.99

    Boys Belted Twill Pants 2.99



    Order Subtotal: 23.93

    Shipping & Handling: 7.00

    Tax: 3.02

    Order Total: 33.95

  3. My Grandpa used to "catch" Santa and cut of his beard before Santa escaped... the he would hang it somewhere we would all see it..

    my ex father in law went out and got some deer poop...brought it in the house and put it on the floor next to the table where the carrots had been left for the reindeer! My ex-MIL was some ticked off at having real deer poo in the house! The kids were amazed though!!!!

    Those are hilarious!

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