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Posts posted by rimshot

  1. You know, I've wondered if some of their products aren't seconds or something. 3 people I know bought Kitchenaid products there and all of them broke down. Now, I know lots of folks with these mixers (including me) and we've never had a lick of problems with them. Mine is 8 years old and runs like a dream. My old cake decorating teacher had one over 30 years old (and a million miles on it) and never a problem.

    So what are the odds that the only ones who have had problems got them at the same place?

  2. Nothing on line either. I was reading somewhere that the equipment for the 2 was the same as for 3 but I have to question that since if it is, they would have the 2 stuff out for sale. Everywhere I looked they had the bundle for the 3 and XBox.

    Makes me wonder on how sound the equipment would be from a company who can't guarantee a release date. Sounds like they keep finding last minute bugs?

    Heck, last Christmas I was able to lay my hands on 3 Wii's with a minimum of effort. Now I can't find one lousy game. lol

  3. I had some bad feelings with my brother in the past and cut him off. We just recently had started talking again as I decided life was too short to hold a grudge. Thank God I did. This fall my brother took his own life.

    Now when all I have is to look back and consider all that took place, I could see where he was reaching out.

    So my advise, celebrate your still having your sister, warts and all. This is her way of trying to make amends, whether she slides back or not. This year for Christmas I bought him a headstone for his grave instead of a present.

    Believe me, life is too short but regret is forever.

  4. Thanks for the update. We don't have a game stop nearby but hope to go out of town in the afternoon as the kids have a half day. Hopefully I can nail one then.

    Before our Walmart went from regular to Super-Sized we had the same staff in electronics and they were all up to date on what was what. Now they hire more staff, cut their hours and rotate them so they don't get familiar with the stock. Never a good idea in electronics since that is their high ticket department with so many different systems.

  5. This is confusing. Searching around on the web, seeing Dec 11th, Dec 18th and Jan 2008 as release dates. The companies website is useless for any real info. for the PS2.

    I wonder if your Walmart clerk knew the difference on the various models Fulfam. Ours still had a stack of PS3 versions sitting out.

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