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Everything posted by Fishboysmom

  1. http://www.1saleaday.com/gallery_large/100308_4.jpg
  2. Anyone know if they mail the $10 promo with your order or send it in an email?
  3. There has to be some sort of tracking # on both the UPS and USPS.
  4. Use code E9H7R9E for 15% off 1 item at BarnesandNoble.com Certain restrictions apply. Expires at 2:59 a.m. Eastern Time on December 3, 2007. Also, Free shipping when you spend $25 or more on eligible items. Free Travel Bag when you spend $75 or more http://images.barnesandnoble.com/pImages/resources/gateway/2007_11/112607_travelbag_f2v2.jpg http://www.barnesandnoble.com/index.asp?r=1
  5. Kohls.com 2 day Holiday mega sale 11/30/07-12/01/07. Free Shipping when you spend $25 HOLIDAY15 15% off with a Kohl's charge card Boys Nike Hooded MLB Sweatshirts $16.00 reg. $40. White Sox Cubs Dodgers Mets Padres Twins Astros http://media.kohls.com.edgesuite.net/is/image/kohls/276876_Gray?wid=230&hei=230&op_sharpen=1 http://www.kohls.com/upgrade/webstore/search_landing.jsp?ENDECA_SEARCH_INPUT%3C%3ENe=&ENDECA_SEARCH_INPUT%3C%3ENo=0&ENDECA_SEARCH_INPUT%3C%3ENs=&ENDECA_SEARCH_INPUT%3C%3ENtt=nike+sweatshirt&ENDECA_SEARCH_INPUT%3C%3Erecs=45&ENDECA_SEARCH_INPUT%3C%3EN=22103&ENDECA_SEARCH_INPUT%3C%3Etype=1&PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524886000937&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374752622846&bmForm=endeca_search&bmFormID=1196420987911&bmSubmit=validate&bmUID=1196420987911&bmHash=b33ec4857e491fa05005a3e34b2ddb541662bf57
  6. So cute. http://i.walmart.com/i/p/00/65/35/69/23/0065356923467_215X215.jpg
  7. Does anyone know if you can use other headphones with this?
  8. Here is the description from the Fisher Price website. http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2621&e=mainproduct&pid=37225&acccat=fp3acc&mainid=37225 You can put songs other than what is on the fisher price site but you do have to convert them like masylimed said. That is the only thing stopping me from buying it. Wondering if it is going to be too time consuming.
  9. Here is the link to another deal. $25 off $59. Use code KRFT2559 Eligible brands: Back to Nature | Baker's | Balance Bar | Black Forest Gummy Candy | Cakesters | Cornnuts | Country Time | Crystal Light | Dream Whip | Ferrara Pan candy | Fruit2o | Fuel2o | General Foods International Coffee | Jell-O | Kool-Aid | Kraft | Maxwell House | Milka Chocolate Bars | Planters | Shake N Bake | South Beach Diet | Stove Top | Toblerone | Tang | Terry's Chocolate Orange | Yuban Eligible products link http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=amb_link_5664772_27?ie=UTF8&node=16310101&hidden-keywords=kraftpromo&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=13RDS8YJHX32FGS70T9P&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=320030801&pf_rd_i=162495011
  10. Tell her if she doesn't send a letter to the North Pole, Santa will have no idea what to bring her.
  11. Now you can see why. Sears is notorious for canceling orders.
  12. Just bumping because they have this deal again today only 11/27/07. $4.79 for 26 issues. PXSS122 for an extra 15% making it $4.07 http://www.bestdealmagazines.com/deal.asp
  13. Thanks everyone. Now I don't feel guilty....at all!
  14. My dd is 9yo. Soon to be 10. She has some things on her list that I think she is too old for. Littlest Pet Shop Pets is one of them. She already has a set that she, of course, doesn't play with. Yesterday at Target she asked for the talking donkey from Shrek. I have bought her a nintendo ds, a couple of games for it, 2-3 board games, cd's, dvd's and other small things. My family is getting a Wii for the kids and some games. And these are the types of things she mostly plays with. Everything else hardly gets used. I don't know if I am doing the right thing by not getting some of the toys she has on her list. I know she will be thrilled with everything she gets but am I taking the fun out of it?
  15. It was my debit card. Much more of a hassle.
  16. Oh well. Glad some of you were able to get it. I changed the OP.
  17. Today Only! 11/26/07 James Bond Ultimate Edition Vol. 1 [10 Discs] $29.99. Today only there is a mail in rebate for a $10 fye.com gift card. NOTE: You must print out the rebate. It is not included in your shipment. Use code SHOPSAVE15 for 15% off. Total after rebate is $15.49. Shipping is free. http://fye-content.vcommerce.com/products/fullsize/924/5601924.jpg http://www.fye.com/James-Bond-Ultimate-Edition--Vol--1--10-Discs--Front-Page_stcVVproductId5601924VVcatId455366VVviewprod.htm They also have B1G1F on TV on dvd's. Discounts cannot be combined.
  18. I finally got my money back... yesterday. One week I had to wait. The credit never showed up on my account. And I had to go back to the store again. I don't know if it was because dh was with me or not but the manager said "let's end this nightmare now" and gave me my cash back. The stupid girl they had at customer service that day was on one of the registers yesterday. Even though her line only had 1 person, I went to a longer line.
  19. Not sure if this is what you are looking for, or if these prices are good or not, but these are on both the Dell and Gateway websites. Gateway $449.94 + shipping. ships in 2-4 weeks. http://www.gateway.com/accessories/product/13745625.php?mtr=DCYDOAERB&sg=hm&ph1=8009687927&seg=hm Dell $449.99 free shipping http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?sku=a1297763&cs=19&c=us&l=en&dgc=SS&cid=25682&lid=585554#Overview
  20. Spongebob Squarepants Christmas DVD $4.99 at FamilyVideo.com. Shipping is .99¢/ http://www.familyvideo.com/catalog/famvid/muze/images/dvd/42/211942.jpg http://www.familyvideo.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=178727&pod_id=1009
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