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Posts posted by stacy0479

  1. My DS 11 is asking for a new old PSP. His old one broke and doesn't want the new one that just came out so we are going to get him a new old one. I am also getting him a TV and DVD player. He isn't asking for it, but he needs an upgrade! LOL Other than that, he is asking for video games, movies, books, some toys (like Bakugan) and that's about it.
  2. My sons are 2 and 5, and both believe in Santa. Last year, my 5 year old son was so shocked that Santa had actually left a huge present under his bed. He couldn't figure out how Santa had done that.


    I do not look forward to the day he stops believing. It will just break my heart. I am 30 years old, and still get excited to see Santa.

    My son puts a fake little 3" tree in his room on his bookcase. I did it when I was little and the tradition carried over. Santa always leaves little presents, like football cards or something under that tree too. :)

  3. aww TNT i love that :) what a great santa!


    anyone use black friday as a santa day? I wanted *some* of the credit right off the bat, so my son knows that the day after thanksgiving mom has breakfast with santa and a lot of other local moms and go over wish lists with him! ha! ;)

    I do!!! I just told my son the other day, he has been DYING to get Madden 10 and I keep saying put it on your Christmas list, but I told him don't you know that I talk to Santa on BF? What's even funnier is DF has Santa's phone number on his cell phone. Apparently if you call it, it really is Santa. I have no clue though cause I have never called it. LOL

  4. He brings a couple gifts including the *big* one. As for the big gifts, we too wrap them, somehow someway!


    Mrs. Claus always sends a gift down to our house too. Its normally PJ's or underwear and socks! LOL

  5. My DS is 11 and believe it or not, he still believes in Santa. Each year I keep saying this is the last year, but I really think this year is the last. He has had some kids and a teacher tell him that Santa isn't real, but I told him he has to be real cause who eats the cookies we leave out, we track him on Norad, and who brings the presents that I don't get? He still believes! LOL


    So do your kids still believe? If not, what age were they when they stopped?

  6. Everyone knows I am pregnant with twins. I still do plan on going out on BF. I did get the seasonal Flu shot but am against getting the H1N1 shot (and its not up for debate). I am not going to stay home and not go out on BF. Like someone else stated above, going shopping on BF is the same to being anywhere else in public like the grocery store. As long as I have my hand sanitizer and wash my hands frequently, I feel I am fine to go. Calling a pregnant person a moron, whether you changed your post or not, is harsh. We aren't morons. This is what we want to do.


    I am going to the doctor every 2 weeks so *if* I were to come down with something, they would be able to catch it *if* something did come up and I did get the Swine Flu. Again, I am not concerned with getting it. My son goes to public school, his chances of getting it are high also, but I don't keep him out, do you think I should so I don't get the Swine Flu? I don't think so, so limiting my outings isn't something I plan on doing either.

  7. I just got some wrapping paper from the fundraiser DS did last month. I might wrap a few presents this weekend while he is at his dad's and a present we have for DF's BFF. I don't want to get the whole 2 Rubbermaid totes out for all the Christmas paper stuff just yet so this will do. I will do tags and ribbons and bows next month when I do get the Christmas stuff out.
  8. O Holy Night, but it makes me cry cause it reminds me of my late grandma. I also like Baby Its Cold Outside.


    Forgot to add, DF is a HUGE Transiberian Orchestra fan, so any of those songs.

  9. I grew up with a fake tree so I refuse to get one now. I only get real trees. We normally go around the 2nd week of December and it is normally dead by Christmas so DF takes it with him to the desert the day after Christmas and burns it. Its crazy to see how fast that thing goes up in flames and scary too!
  10. My sister wants me to look out for one of these..I don't know anything about video games but thought that prices were set from what i have read..is it possible to find one of these cheap?? She wants to get my nephew one for his bday in Nov

    All I can say is don't get a used one from Game Stop. DS had one from Game Stop, his grandma got him one there used. It worked for about a month. I took it back, got another used one cause that is what they would give us and it worked for about 2 months. Now the warrenty is up and we have no PSP. I am going to get a brand new one this time.

  11. I put my unwrapped presents in my closet. I have a specific drawer I put them in and everyone knows not to go in it. When I wrap them, they go under the tree. Except for the Santa gifts (yes, my son is 11 and still believes in Santa) they get wrapped on Christmas Eve after he has gone to bed.
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