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About stacy0479

  • Birthday 04/14/1979
  1. I would like to join in again this year to the secret Santa and ornament exchange, I will email my info tomorrow!!
  2. So I ordered the Dynex™-1.3MP Webcam-DX-WEB1C which was B1G1 free and I got my order today and there was only 1! Did anyone else order this? Of course when I go to call about it, there is a 20+ minute wait!!!
  3. Does anyone know what stores it is actually in? I have looked and haven't seen it! My son wants it for Christmas!
  4. I think someone stole my $15/$150 cause I didn't get that. I threw the book away too cause I wasn't going to use anything in it...
  5. Not excited cause my husband is deployed but a little excited since it is my twin's 1st Christmas, but then that makes me sad cause the husband isn't here to enjoy it.
  6. Thank you. We will be taking tons of pictures/videos not just at Christmas but the whole time. He will miss their first everything, birthday, walking, talking. At least one of them already had 2 teeth. And I didn't make my post to have people feel sorry for me. LOL I was just answering the question!
  7. I love Christmas but this year, I can't get into the spirit and probably won't. My husband is leaving for 6 months shortly and he will miss our twins 1st Christmas. I have a feeling a lot of tears will be shed on that day for me.
  8. It won't let me sign up. I go to fill it all out then it takes me back to where I need to click which catalog I want. I do that, hit submit again and it goes back to the same thing over and over...
  9. I have been shopping BF for about 13 years now. I have never taken my oldest, who is 12. This year if I want to do BF, all 3 kids have to go with me. That includes my twins which will be almost 9 months at the time. With that said, I have already been in the talks with a friend to see if she would be able to spend the night at my house and listen for them if they get up while I go out early morning. I would be back by 9 at the latest. That afternoon I was planning on taking all the kids with me to the mall I go to. My DH is deploying for 6 months right before Christmas this year and if we want to have a Christmas, the kids have to come with me. We live in So Cal so weather really isn't an issue. Yes it is a bit chilly, but we are talking maybe 50's if not 60's. I know to some that is hot on BF! LOL But I wouldn't take them 1st thing in the morning, to me that is crazy. And if it turns out that I am not happy with the ads, I just might sit out this year.
  10. Good discussion! My twins will be almost 9 months old and I am still trying to figure it out!!
  11. Didn't win. Thanks to those that voted!
  12. Voting is over Monday! Please vote!! Thanks!!!
  13. I was having a problem the first time too but now am ok. I guess just keep trying? Thanks again everyone!!!
  14. Thank you!! I know a lot of people have gotten that email verification in their spam, so you might want to check that out!! Thanks again!
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