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Everything posted by AFB

  1. Yeah, we did the Amazon thing and made $80 AR and got a new phone for free
  2. Works for me http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=2100
  3. Can we have a forum for deals that never end? People could post it in a specific format so we can search it.
  4. As always, make sure to call up Cingular before you do this :)
  5. No, most of them will let you do it if you sign up for another year or so. We've done it countless times.
  6. Anyway, here are some phones http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/12758971/ref=w_zr_pho_fb_nex/103-4448074-4187805
  7. Have you looked at Amazon? Many time you can get a new phone AND MONEY BACK if you sign up for another year. Atleast that is how it works with AT&T and they == Cingular now, so....?
  8. 25 now, you just keep pimping this forum don't you?
  9. It gets mixed reviews at Amazon, but most of the negitives seem to be from Apple fanbois. Text
  10. No rebate, but you may have to pay Tax if you live near a Fry's 30GB: http://shop1.outpost.com/product/4078572 40GB: http://shop1.outpost.com/product/4078602
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