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Posts posted by dnvillane

  1. Just be careful buying food from Big Lots. I was in the Saturday and didn't check the sell by date. What I purchased on 3/1 has a sell by date of Dec 2007.

    Yes, I have noticed that with Big Lots with items like mayo. Never expired but sometimes the sale date is only a month away which means I wouldn't stock up. Do dog treats have an expiration date?? I'll have to go look:confused:

  2. Got a great deal today on Pupperoni dog treats $1.50 for a 5.6 oz bag - this is usually $3.50 in my Shoprite so I stocked up.


    Also found some Hannah Montana lip glosses with a guitar charm - perfect for the Easter basket - for 95 cents.

  3. I checked the Linden store on my way to home. And BINGO! They had it.

    Thanks to you guys for posting the deal and to NJ girlies for checking the store availablity. Greatly appreciate it!!!!!

    Congratulations!! I felt so bad when I found them yesterday and you weren't able to. One of these days I am going to run into one of you in Target, cruising the endcaps!! I love hearing about the deals from people in the area.:P

  4. I dunno, It might not be any different than any other gift card that needs to be activated before it can be used. If you call the company, there's no proof that the card was actually purchased instead of just picked up from the shelf. Maybe try another target?

    I asked about the Shutterfly and Kodak gift cards because they were literally right under a sign that said 90% off Valentines. The manager said they cannot discount any kind of gift card and send them back to the companies. (Figured it was worth a try asking)

  5. Well then I guess I'll just have to check the Watchung store again for you today or tomorrow. You can always call the 1-800# and ask them which stores have them available.

    If either of you NJ girls look at the Watchung store, go look over behind the video game section, where the fireplace screens & other stuff like that is. I think I remember seeing a few over there a week ago (right after Valentine's day?) but I didn't even scan because they had no red tags and were just too big. I can't believe you couldn't find one today in Clark - there must have been at least 6 left - wonder if someone took the whole pallet for resale??


    They were. $14.98 I think. I was at the Watchung store today also and didn't notice them there.


    Thanks, juanandeal for the info on the toy storage bins. I went to the Clark store this morning and got 2 at $14.98. I wandered housewares, couldn't find them, and then saw them on a pallet in the main aisle - I think they were just bringing more out! :eyepoppin


    Now to conquer the black hole that is the closet!!:yuck:

  7. Dollar Tree rocks!!! but all the little stuff adds up i never seem to walk out with less than $20 worth. that is how they get you....

    LOL - My friend's husband asks why they call it a dollar store - "You always spend at least $30 there!"

  8. Thanks everyone. The store I checked out this weekend had a lot of brand name snack chips - Doritos, Cheetos, etc... Of course the signs say "Guaranteed Fresh" but I know you have to take that with a grain of salt.


    Dollar Tree is one of the very few dollar stores that I WILL buy food products from. I have never bought any food there that was stale. I'm frequently surprised by the name brands they get in stock - we've bought All Bran cereal bars (delicious, even my son loved them - and they were $3.49 at Shoprite) and YoGo fruit roll ups there. :)


    My sister, who is from NY and hates dollar stores, had to admit that Dollar Tree is a step above most dollar stores.

  9. OHH.....how much for the margarator??? Did they have more?? Which store?

    They had this for $24.98 at the store in Union NJ. Stared at it for a very long time but didn't buy one because I couldn't figure out who to give it to. May regret that later. There were 3-4 of them left today.


    Saw an indoor/outdoor wine chiller for $19.99 (50%) off and left it on the shelf, again because I couldn't figure out who to give it to. Got 3/4 of the way through the store before I remembered I have a nephew getting married, and an inevitable bridal shower coming up so of course went back and snatched it.


    My last great find was a Christmas Polly Pocket - cute set with a dog house, polly and a dog with a santa hat. Rang up as item not found but my nice cashier (who I have gone to before and is great!) rang it up as $1.00 (90% off) while remarking that they really don't want them to sell the Christmas stuff anymore. :)


    Global Bazaar was 50% today at the Union store if anyone is interested. Nothing I wanted this year.

  10. I already posted this in the offline deals section because it was "temporarily unavailable online" when I tried to buy it Sunday...looks like it's back in stock online now. :)


    Guitar Hero III Bundle for the Wii $69.99...that's $20 off the regular price! :D



    Watch out for toysrus.com. Their "back in stock" actually means very little. I have ordered from them several times only to have the order placed and then have it cancelled a week later (after the in-store sale was long gone). When I have called them they have admitted they really do not have any "real time" inventory and don't know if something is out of stock until much later, when they tally all the orders and then go check the inventory! :yuck:


    Good luck to all who do manage to get the game. It is a great game - my 13 year old son loves it and so do all his older cousins (and quite a few of the adults try to get in on the game)

  11. Guitar Hero III Bundle for the Wii $69.99...that's $20 off the normal price ! :D


    This one might be available online as well, but when I tried to get it Sunday, it said "temporarily not available online."


    Be very careful about ordering online. I have had MANY problems with toyrus.com accepted an order as if the item is in stock and then cancelling the order a week later (after it is too late to purchase in the store). They have stated to me that they have no real time inventory online.


    EXCELLENT game if you can find it in the store. My son has it and loves it, and all his older cousins love to play it too!

  12. I also ended up with a pair of boys Wrangler carpenter jeans and cargo style khakis which were $5

    Any idea what sizes they had in the Wrangler jeans? My son likes Wrangler but is a size 16. Wondering if they might have his size??

  13. A big thank you to whoever posted that jewelry armoires were 75% off. I found a nice dark wood one today for $12. This will make a nice gift for my sister who loves jewelry. Strangely enough some of the bigger armoires were not clearanced (I had an employee check for me) and seemed to still be at 50%. Maybe next week.


    No bulk items. left at the Union, NJ store. Nothing much interesting in clearance.

  14. A big thank you to whoever posted that jewelry armoires were 75% off. I found a nice dark wood one today for $12. This will make a nice gift for my sister who loves jewelry. Strangely enough some of the bigger armoires were not clearanced (I had an employee check for me) and seemed to still be at 50%. Maybe next week.


    No bulk items. left at the Union, NJ store. Nothing much interesting in clearance.

  15. Most of the toys at WM here are still 30%. :yuck:

    Anyone out there in NJ (Union County) been to Walmart lately? I'd love to get the I Can Play Piano at 75% off. Looked for it during Target's clearance but never saw it (got the I Can Play Guitar for a birthday gift for a friend)

  16. Yes, they do. 2 times per year if it is under $20 or $25. I can't remember the limit. You have to have your DL with you though.

    I think the return without a receipt may depend on the store. The store closest to me in Union, NJ says no returns without a receipt, period. :no: However, at the Watchung, NJ store I overheard someone else returning without a receipt and they said it was up to $20.


    Anyone who works for Target know what the corporate policy is??

  17. My Target has there Valentines Day stuff out!!

    My Target already has Valentines and EASTER!! We are always making jokes about what holiday they are on - LOL


    For the NJ shoppers - the Watchung, NJ Target has a lot of kids clothes at 75% off. Some cute PJ sets. I picked up a nice winter jacket for next year for about $8. Found some Christmas clearance but they would not sell it to me. They said once it goes salvage they are not allowed

  18. Did anyone get the little beauty set for dolls - it has a mirror, and then pretend miniture blow dryer, lotions, rollers, etc....they can be used on the American Girl Dolls or the Generation Dolls?


    I found one today and it didn't have any tags on it, I remeber seeing it clearanced at another store so they sold it to me for $2.50 - was wondering what the real price of it was? Thanks!

    I bought this for my daughter before Christmas (one of those random clearance items at only one of my three Target stores) for $3.24 and I think that was 75% off. I think the regular price is $14.99 so good deal.


    My daughter loved it by the way:yup: I have another hiding in the garage for a birthday gift for some lucky friend...:blush:

  19. No. The manager told me they only have a (small) select group for the $1.00 glycerin soap this time. :( At my store it's only four or five scents.

    Yes, I'm in NJ and it seems to be the same near me (Woodbridge store). I got Sweet Pea, Tangerine (or some orange scent), and one or two others on the first week the sale was running. When I called the second week, she said they had only one scent left, and it wasn't one that I liked. I got hooked on the warm vanilla sugar last year and am almost running out of my stash from last year:cry2:

  20. Sorry but I didn't make it last night. DH just didn't understand the situation and I really don't think that me explaining it to him in detail would have helped. I'm sure there's nothing left by now :no:.

    What part of Westchester? My very first job was at Caldor on Central Ave in Yonkers. I keep trying to remember Black Friday back then but I can't.

    OMG that is so funny. I grew up in Yonkers, and yes, I remember Caldor!! :eyepoppin I know what you mean about DH (I thought about going last night but figured it would be pushing it!). I figure by the time I'm able to go again on Monday the aisles will be cleared out. There were people waiting as they were unpacking.

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