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  1. Hi, The associate that told you that was only partly correct. The return on computers is 15 days, it has been for years. You CAN return the service plan within 90 days (you must have the receipt.), as long as it has not been used. You also have 90 days to come in and purchase the service plan if you choose not to buy it when you buy the computer, again you must have the receipt. The service plan kicks in after the manufacturers labor warranty ends. The length of the manufacturers warranty varies according to the mf. After the 15 days, if you have a problem, you do not return to the store, you call the manufacturer. If the warranty has expired, then you use the service plan. And this info applies to anything that is eligible for the service plan, not just computers. Of course, since there are different return policies depending on what you are buying. Cameras are 30 days, and some other things vary between 45 and 90 days.
  2. Eligible for FSSS The lowest price was $7.99, then yesterday it went back up to $19.99, this morning dropped to $6.99. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51BS0YHVM2L._AA280_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000G5R8JA/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance Product Description Xbox Live Arcade is fully integrated into the Xbox 360 console. You can jump straight into Xbox Live Arcade from the Xbox 360 Dashboard, where you can download new games, access their game collection, check out new releases and experience cool around-the-game features. With Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360, casual gamers will find a wide variety of game genres available for download, including action arcade titles, coin-operated and retro classics, puzzle games, casual sports games, light strategy titles, and card and board games. Product Description Xbox 360 Live Arcade - Unplugged is the first retail collection of Xbox Live Arcade games. Now you can play all the great ames available through Xbox Live -- with an Xbox Live connection! Games include: Texas Hold 'Em Poker. plus a FREE one-month subscription to Xbox Live Gold. Games included are Geometry Wars Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Wik - Fable of Souls Hardwood Backgammon Outpost Kaloki X
  3. Wow that is awesome! That store deserves a thumbs up!
  4. The black friday camera was the s650. Not the s700. I run that department at my store, and still have about 30 left. Price went up to $89 a few days ago. The s700 is $149, the s650 is $89. I am not doubting you, but if you talking about the s650, I don't understand why the price is so high. Even when we carried it normally, the regular price was $129.
  5. For those of you that are interested in the iPod deal, that is going on right now on the current circular. It is on the front page. There are other colors also.
  6. My son would love it too, but I don't know if I could stand listening to it! This might be something he has to take to his dad's house. (He would like it too).
  7. I didn't get a call, but did get an email telling me my order was cancelled.
  8. It is not available to buy now. It is not current merchandise. But yes it is a decent camera for that price.
  9. Our store matches the CVS "card" price. Maybe that is something that is up to the individual SM. Our store stockpiles the weekly ads. There is one at all the registers.
  10. Here you go. http://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/ProductsHOM.aspx?DeptID=25439&CatID=9104&CatTyp=LF S&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=10755f4&ProdSeq=1&Pr odCount=10&Dep=housewares&RefPage=SearchDepartment &ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=pancake&S4DeptID =25439&CmCatId=SearchResults|SearchDepartment
  11. Our Walmart got 6 in yesterday, the first three went quickly, and as of around 3 or 3:30 there were still 3 left. I guess maybe people are just not expecting them to be in stock, so they aren't really calling or asking about them.
  12. Now it's down to $67 online. I know we have some of these in the store and the price hasn't budged from $79.97.
  13. I noticed that ours were down to $35 also today.
  14. :) Me too. I work there and I didn't think they would go to 75% until at least Monday.
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