I too went for this deal. Not really a super deal here but a funny story. I am a "big dude" like the one you described. My sister and I waited since 10 oclock the night before and was told that they only had 2 tvs. We both wanted one but we were first in line so I wasn't all that worried. My sister had a baby the month before so I was looking for her as well. We were informed that the tv's were located in the opposite corner of the store. Well... 5 or 6 am came and it was time to open up the doors. Here I am a 6'2 270 lbs man wearing 15 lbs worth of padding to stay warm getting ready to go. Right behind us these 2 thin and athletic, I'd say 18 year old kids show up. I didn't see them all night but I was in the zone. The doors open and I sprint in my big winter boots throughout the store with my sister right behind. To me everything was silent as I could feel these kids right on my heels until I heard my sister fall and yell "I'M OK...JUST KEEP GOING! GET ME A TV". So... I keep going. I ran right up to customer service just inching out these two kids. There was a one per customer limit but I explained to the cashier and grabbed my sister through the crowd at the register. We got our tvs. I to this day have no idea how I beat those kids in a 100 yard dash. I was moving faster than I ever have moved before and will probably ever move again. Everytime I turn on the tv I remember that morning. However, after that experience I took last year off. I might come out of retirement this year though.