So far I've only bought online. That was Target on Wednesday for the Ipad Air with $100 gc. Right now I'm at work (RN), so when i get off in the morning I plan to hit up JCP and Bath and Body Works. Maybe Michael's as well. I'd like to get a new tree.
The sale is live online. Just picked up an ipad with $100 giftcard. It gave the option to receive the giftcard by email, text, or a physical card sent in 5-8 days. Also more than 1 Ipad Air model had the gift card offer, 16g, 32, cellular, etc.
I am against it. Not only is it taking families away from each other on Thanksgiving but it's really no longer, "Black Friday." Gone is the thrill of staying up to go out at 3 or 4am to catch those must have deals. It's so weird to me how Black Friday is really a Thanksgiving Day sale BTW, I will be shopping online. Also, I'll be working this Thanksgiving but I am a RN.