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Posts posted by Kymmber

  1. I have been watching a "4 piece crib set" at the Target in Stow, OH. There was a pink one, and a green one that had "as is" stickers marked orignally 119.99 to about 83.xx. When i went to the store yesterday, someone had pulled the as is stickers of of the package, so I took them both to the register and showed the cashier, the stickers were taken off, and I didn't know if there was a new price, or if someone just ripped them off, so the manager was hanging out, and said, I don't know how much these normally are, but I would rather give you a better deal than over charge you. How does..... 19.99 sound!!!! :eyepoppin I was like in shock, I was soo happy... After I thought about it, I guess I should have gotten the pink one too, because someone is always having babies, but it seems everyone right now is having boys, or don't know, which is why the green works out better!!! It was a great deal, and just wanted to share.
  2. I know that the Stow store can be a problem.:mad:


    They are very strick there. That is the store where my DD had a problem & they would not take a return within 90 if pkg was opened or used at all,even if your not happy with it! Did your coupon beep? :confused: Some store are getting new downloads. Before if your total purchase was over $25 they would scan ok. I'm in your area & would like to know if it was just this stores cashier rejecting it or if the couputer is flaging it invalad. Thanks.

    It is funny you mentioned that. I have not had a problem at the Stow store at all, but I was at the Streetsboro store. The cashier was just a young guy, and he examined the coupon like it was fake, scanned it, it beeped but then on his screen popped up a big red box that said "Must spend $25 before tax" and my total was $24.96.. One of the managers was right there, and she thought about just giving it to me, but then got called away, and said sorry you have to purchase another small toy!!!!

  3. I found 2 of the color wonder princess sets, marked down to 2.48 from 9.99. I also bought the Go Baby Go! zebra for my nephew for 22.48. JUST MY LUCK... I went to use the 5.00 off coupon for the 2 toys and my total was.... 24.96 before tax, and they wouldn't give it to me, so i had to buy at $2 hot wheel, that didn't even make it worth it to use the coupon!!! O well, win some, loose some i guess. I also bought a glade air freshner fan that was 2.99 but had a $3 off coupon and the refils were marked as is from 3.99 to .76 so i bought a bunch of those!!! That was about it, nothing to exciting!!!
  4. I bought 4 or 5 dog squeeky toys for about a dollar each, and got some of the mens deoderants (clinical strength old spice and gillette) they were marked 3.xx and i had 6 coupons each $2.00 off!!! I don't know if anyone is interested in the pink MP3 player that people were talking about on here a little while ago, but the Macedonia, OH store had 1. It was marked 24.98 but it rang up 12.48. I didn't pick it up, but did see and scan it. They also had a bunch of the "fusions" both spongebob and the naked brothers band.
  5. Can someone tell me how much the hooded towels with characters on them go for?!? I was one of my local Targets and found a Dora one with no tags on it, so I asked one of the associates working the area and he walked it up front and told the girl at the register I would be coming up when I was done shopping and that the towel should be marked $2.00!!! I was very excited, because my niece LOVES Dora and I thought that was a great price, but didn't know what they were going for!!!! Also, over the last weekend, I found 9 MM's between 2 stores!!!!! :eyepoppin I am done looking for juice boxes for a little while at least!!!
  6. I went to Target tonight to return an extra heater I purchased, but really didn't NEED... the girl in front of me was returning a Kurv!!!! I asked the lady behind the counter if there was anything wrong with it, or if it had even been used (the box looked a little damaged, and I would hate to buy something broken!!) so we opened it up, and it was still wrapped, then we opened it to the "dirt holder" and it was never used, so we plugged it in, and POOF it worked... then I asked her if it was marked down and she sold it to me for 12.xx!!! Happy Dance at Target!!!! :g_dance:
  7. Another good night... got a bunch of the roseart "posters" with markers and paint by number sets all of like a dollar which will be cute to add to the easter baskets of my nieces!!!! Also, got TWO :eyepoppin of the Kurv's!!!! One is the champaine color and the other is like a maroon/red... both were 12.xx!!!! I was very excited... the only other things i picked up were the window seals for next year because it seems we spend like $40 to cover all of our windows and I got enough for all of them for like $10 now... (just have to find a place for storage!!! :eek:)
  8. Good Night at Target for me too!!! I got the Dirt Devil broom vac for 12.xx (was looking for the Kurve, but found this instead). Also got some other odds and ends on clearance, and 4 MM's...


    I also found 4 more of the Disney Espheria puzzles... I now have WAY to many, but have been picking them up because I am getting them for 3.xx a piece. If anyone needs 1, 2 or 4... please PM me... I bought a couple as gifts for nieces and kids of friends, but like I said still have to many, and for that price (90% off) i would hate to have to return them!!!

  9. Stopped by Target on the way home tonight... Found 3 MM juice boxes, and some car cleaning supplies (making an easter basket for a car freak, and thought it would be cute)... I did see, but didn't pick up, my target had 2 of those "Ab Lounge"... they were originally marked 139.99 and were clearanced to 34.xx... GREAT deal for someone looking to work out, but I barely have time to get done what i need to, let alone adding 30 exercise routine!!! :)
  10. My Target had a blue with white decorated "Trunk" that I was thinking about getting today... I walked around the store with it then price checked it... It came up Item not found... Then i Examined it to see if it was something I REALLY wanted, or if i was looking at it because it was 75% off... there was a big scratch on the top, and the whole right side of it was scuffed... i thought Okay if they give this to me at 85 or 90% off I would take it... (originally 89.99) i took it to customer service and they lady said she couldn't even take an additional 10% off because it was GB... I didn't end up getting it because it was still 22.xx and i thought for a damaged item, i still didn't want to pay that much... Just thought it was strange that they wouldn't take more off to sell it rather than telling me no and probably having to salvage it....
  11. Other than the Princess organizer bins last night for 9.98, I also found (thought it was strange) 10- 6pack regular sized Mr. Goodbar candy bars with "as is" stickers... for .76 a pack... I bought all 10 of course because I make a LOT of east baskets, and thought they would be good for that, but I thought most of the "as is" stuff was returns.... also got 3 packs of "bath wipes for pets"... which basically look like baby wipes, but are to clean off their fee when they come in from outside so you don't have to ruin either your carpet, or a towel... never heard of them before, but thought I would give it a try since we always go to my mothers house who has about an acre, and my dog loves to be outside (ESPECIALLY in the mud) and because they had the "as is" stickers on them for only .96 orginally 3.99... Finally, I also got 2 really great art pieces from the GB... they are 2 different "4 piece wall art set"... Basically they are the 4 small canvases that when you put them together makes a whole picture... WHICH I LOVE!!!! One is of a building with statue in (i assume) "Italy"... and the other is looking down on again what looks to be like a classic city with great buildings... They are Wonderful, and I can't wait to hang them... only 17.xx each originally 69.99!!! Another GREAT Day at Target!!!
  12. i tried them to scan at my store they rang out 39$:(:

    Are you in Ohio?!? I haven't gone to the store close to home, just went over by the office... I couldn't believe there were any there, and both of the women i saw were really nice... I did see that a lot of the bed stuff was marked 75%, but some people were saying certain sheet sets were scratchy, and i couldn't remember which ones, so I didn't get any of them!!

  13. how excited were you right? I happy danced right out of the store i was sooooo thrilled :yup: I figured out that was a 90% off price!

    I am on like a Target Rush right now... and not sure how it can get that much better... between first MM find last night (seven) and the puzzles for 90% off today!!! Really whats better!!!! :)


    just waiting to see if i get what I want from the GB when it goes 75% (hopefully soon)

  14. GREAT FIND TODAY!!! I need to stay away from Target... Anyways... the Disney Esphera Puzzle that everyone was talking about... I went to a Target near my work, and they had 4 sitting on a shelf with a $32.xx price tag under them, so I picked up all 4 that they had and went to the scanner... INF (of course)... so i found a sales associate who was VERY nice and she did the same then, then went to another with a scanner gun thing... and she said I will be right back... Since it was a "special item" she had to get approval, but I got the puzzles for $3.xx EACH!!! I couldn't believe it... i was totally expecting 7.xx each... I was happy!!!
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