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About Kymmber

  • Birthday 06/13/1984
  1. i got these coupons as well...
  2. I got the one i needed for christmas yesterday... ordered it on bestbuy.com for pick up before the store opened.. went to the store and walked around before i picked it up they had 7... by the time i left... they were all gone!!! apparently a lot of people had the same idea!!! thanks for the heads up on the price change!
  3. I have started... however, do you have the ONE person who is SOOO easy to shop for?!? Mine is my sister... I have gotten her like 4 things because i keep saying "she would love this" or "really like that" so i keep finding great deals and picking them up!!!!! i would say i'm about 1/4 done (which isnt much) but its something!!!!
  4. Coupon Code: AFFTP7 should give you 20% off instead of the 10%
  5. I was just looking up the "tradeables" and it says you get one FREE* just pay .99 shipping... in case anyone is interested
  6. Wow... SUPER FAST SHIPPING!!!! I placed the order at 8:45 Wednesday morning and it is Friday afternoon and I got them already!! super cute... thanks again OP
  7. Code AUGUST15 works for the 15% off... (at least it did this morning)
  8. Thank you OP!!! They have the "green grass" candle which was discontinued and used to be my sister's favorite... I put 5 in my cart, plus 1 of another scent the 5 candles were then priced $10 not $12.50... ALSO... i ended up putting 2 of my "other scent" in my cart and they ended up costing 49.98... (24.99 each) and when i put 3 in my cart they were 49.98... (16.66 each)... so i ended up getting 3 for the same price of 2!!! either way great deals!!! thank you!!!
  9. GREAT DEAL!!!! Original Price $7.99 Sale Price $2.88 Quantity: 1 Total $2.45 and the second one comes up $0.77!!! So two towels for $3.22!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!
  10. i put several pairs in my cart, and then kept looking around... by the time i was done, i ended up with 4 pairs and as I was checking out it kept updating the quantity saying "2 pairs left or 1 pair left" so i hurried and checked out!
  11. Thanks so much... usually i am not an "UGG" person but i did find a couple pairs i thought were cute!!! i got a sandal and 3 pairs of boots (same boot, different colors).. Great prices!!!!
  12. This is a little "off topic" since your question has been answered, but since over 200 people have looked at this post I thought I would share:.. FYE has come of the larger ipod's (120gb, 160gb) for their regular price, but then have mail in rebates as well, so one that costs $249 regular at the apple store is $199 at FYE... at least at the store I was at last night!!! hope this helps someone out!!!
  13. Agreed!!! I was thankful!!! and suprised!!!
  14. I got an email that said: Thank you for shopping at macys.com, we truly appreciate your business. We?re sorry to inform you that due to a system error macys.com incorrectly listed the price of certain Dr. Martens Shoes at $17.99 instead of the correct price of $100.00. This error occurred between 8/05/09 and 08/06/09. Because of the error, we must cancel the affected items on your order. If you had other items on your order that were not included in the pricing error, they will not be affected. Be assured that your account will not be charged for the canceled Dr. Martens Shoe(s) or that you will receive an appropriate credit or refund promptly, if due. If you would like to purchase one pair of the Dr. Martens Shoes at $17.99 we will honor that request. Please call us at the number listed below so we can place your order. As noted in our pricing policy, while we do our best to ensure our prices are accurate, errors occasionally occur, and we reserve the right to correct those errors, particularly obvious errors like the one that occurred in this case. If you would like additional information regarding our pricing policy, please visit the following link we have provided. We hope you?ll accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this error has caused. We look forward to serving you and your shopping needs in the future. Sincerely, Macys.com Customer Service At least they are still offering me to purchase one pair at the $17.99 price!!!!
  15. glad i got them when i did.. couldn't decide so i bought 4 pairs... stinks they won't ship for another week!!!!
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