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Posts posted by lorilwayne

  1. I mentioned this trend to my dh who doesn't do BF however is amazed at the deals I get. Anyhow he couldn't understand why these companies would do this. I explained that usually they demand the ads be pulled but not this early. I told him it actually hurts those stores that don't allow the ads to be leaked as I have gotten ideas this year from the ads that I wouldn't have thought of. This means differant stops for me and differant priority items.


    I'm not real sure if understand the rationale here by these stores.

    The economy is in shambles, gas is expensive, the housing market has slowed to a crawl....and it seems like every ad has either been disappointing or is giving sites like this (basically a FREE source of advertising) grief.

    You'd think that these places would want all the help they could get this season; you'd think places would want to get folks excited by their deals; you'd think there would be some sort of symbiotic relationship betweem stores and sites like this.

    I agree. In the past couple of days people have been tossing around the "R" word- not for the end of this year but the first 2 quarters of next year. They base this on the price of oil going up, the value of the dollar going down, and the housing market. A LOT of people aren't planning on spending as much this year simply because they can't afford it. It won't surprise me if the news and figures after BF show a decrease in sales. If not BF it definately will show that for the overall holiday shopping figures- unless gas prices drop. Then that will get people spending again.


    Personally I will probably spend less than last year however still will average around $150 per side of the family and $200-$250 per kid and around $150 for my husband and myself on the holidays. Where I will spend less is the impulse buys that I usually make on BF. Which ultimately means I will probably spend less on BF. I have decided Black Friday is a CASH ONLY event for me. The cash I have is the cash I spend and will plan the amount based on the items that I have on my list when I go to the bank November 20.

  2. AGREE! The only horror/near injury story that I have was from a non-24 hour Walmart. I nearly got my arm ripped off trying to go through the door to get toys for kids. WOW- I still have flashbacks. :shock:


    I think it dependson how many idiots show up. The store doesn't matter:D .

  3. I know that I was advised to "keep my eyes out there. A lot of stores are having special sales to help alleviate some of the frustrations that people have on Black Friday." Definately truth. This has been a growing trend over the last 5 years that initially was the weekend before Black Friday and I would say now starts as early as mid-October especially if you are looking for computers.
  4. Last year didn't go as they didn't have much that I was after. This year stands a better chance. Will probably just stay awake after we get done traveling and leave to go to the city early then nap off and on during Thanksgiving day so I can go out on BF. I'm doing cash only this year so not as much room for impulse buys.
  5. Unless WM has something that I REALLY need to get after frustration last year with trying to get an honest answer about their PM policy and then getting a differant answer when I got to check out will probably spend my waiting time somewhere else. Since we are going out of town packing the cold weather clothes to stand in line with the rest of the die-hards. I probably will venture over to WM depending on their sales however I do know that my list is already getting finalized and unless there is something big when the FINALLY release their ad I won't be there.
  6. If my memory serves me correctly they did this last year as well. It didn't have doorbusters or anything there were just certain items available on sale. There wasn't anything there last year that I was jumping and running to town for but who knows.
  7. The items you saw are most likely the items they are putting on their pre-blackfriday sale that will start later this week. I noticed the same things that you did.


    Truth of the matter- no matter how much I like to pretend and no matter what they have done in past, present and future until I win the lottery or marry someone rich I probably have no choice but to shop at the evil empire. In past I have made it my first stop however that may not be this year. It just depends what I see that I'm after the most.

  8. One year I was first in line- Got there almost 2 hours before it opened however I was after bean bag chairs for my kids. If there is something very specific you are after it is probably worth being there early- probably not camping out though.
  9. Beware though some allow price match some dont. Don't think that just because someone says "Yes" that it will in fact happen. Honestly depending what I see on the lists will depend whether I spend time in Walmartor not.
  10. All the super walmarts that I have dealt with stayed open all night. They put the doorbuster items on pallets and had them wrapped securely. If you get there early enough you will be able to watch them wrapping the pallets. (Last year I went about 2:00 am) The year before it was about 3:30 am and the pallets were wrapped securely. I went searching for anything else that I was wanting as I haven't had items that were total stand in line items. If you are getting anything electronic though plan on going back to electronics early so that you are in the vacinity as in some of the stores the isles are narrow and it gets down right ugly.
  11. It depends on what our Thanksgiving plans are. Over the last 5 years it has varied from alone, with my mother, with my mother and daughter (she saved the checkout line while we ran and got things), and last year mom and I tagteamed over cell phones but in differant towns and states. This year will also probably be a tagteam effort as we will be at my mil.
  12. In the past two years it was Wally world. The year before that it was Menards- in fact I was the first in line. As a whole I base where I go first on what I really want to get. This year- who knows. Will depend on what I really am after and whether my mom can go shopping that day in another town or not. We tag team over cell phones with what both of us want or need to get.
  13. I'm guessing the sale will probably be starting November 2. That is just judging on the past years. I know that the last 2 years they have had an early sale that started the first Friday in November and lasted until just before Thanksgiving. Some items fly off the shelves and others linger. That seems to be a trend as pther stores seem to have some pretty good sales the last 2 weeks before Thanksgiving leading up to the grand-daddy of them all BLACK FRIDAY! Any rumored sales would be greatly appreciated as I have 2 teenagers and a 3rd that is an almost teen.


    I know last year they had a MP3 player that was white that was reasonably priced. I got 2 one for each of our girls and they still work well and serve their needs.


    I have no official saying on this as I'm not an employee of walmart however I do shop their frequently and should probably own stock in the company based on the amount of money I spend there.

  14. Last year I pricematched a lot of DVD's and CD's at a Super Walmart. This worked out well as I went to the store and found those that I was after that wasn't on their early morning sales and had my cart ready to go for the early morning bash then I darted to the checkout and was out of there in a few minutes. Many of the items were not only pricematched already but were cheaper however there were some that I needed the ads for. I was out the door out in the parking lot and gone by 5:15 to get to the next store for opening time. It worked out really well.
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