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Everything posted by niccci

  1. They were moving the 30%-50% toys to the endcaps this afternoon. (Including the Play Wonder toys) I bet they are gonna mark them down to 75% off on Thursday. Lets hope. I would like to get some of those for my grandgirls for Christmas. Other than that...nothing exciting there today.
  2. Please let us know what they told your hubby... Thanks alot!!!
  3. So did they say we could return it if we wanted to be completely safe?
  4. And then there are some that buy to sell which supplements their fixed monthly income. I have a friend that does that. She sells on ebay to help pay for her kids school clothes and extras for them. I am not sure she makes a lot when you factor in the gas,wear on her car,cost to list and sell it and the overhead if it DOESNT sell right away.. who knows:g_shrug:
  5. I bought one for my granddaughters. I knew the Play wonder BBQ set was recalled but havent heard anything about the Play Wonder Kitchen set. Let me know what happens too. I checked the government recall list but it only mentioned the BBQ set. Maybe its something recent. hmmmm
  6. I was told by our mark down team if they have been able to mark down even one of the items,all like items will automatically be scanned at the markdown price. Also,I have taken things to the customer service desk and ask them to scan something that I knew was marked down last week but this particular one was not. They have always been happy to check it to see. We have NO VTECHS here,or I would have been happy to buy one for you and ship it. I know what its like to want something for your little ones and cant find it. Good luck!!!
  7. Well I just got a "clipless coupon card" in the mail from Target. It has all of the things that are on the target coupon site and it says I can use it until I have bought one of each item. So if I bought 3 things on the card they would scan those 3 things and give it back to me until I have purchased one of each thing. you can only get one of each. I HOPE this isnt going to be the norm to come. It says you cant use the card AND target scanned coupons. It doesnt say if you can stack the manufacture coupons too. We will have to see.
  8. 75% OFF FINALLY IN OKLAHOMA!!!! :g_dance: Of course like I posted earlier this week there really wasnt much I could use so.................... I only spent 149.00 :g_laughin :rotflol: HAHAHAHAHAHA All presents are bought and then some. Lots of Bratz;educational toys;Pirates of the C costumes;Lego big boy sets;clothes for cabbage patch;Hot Wheel sets. There were some things that I had no seen marked down before so they might have got stuff from other stores. Anyways, good luck shoppers,hope YOUR stores are 75% now too! Oh by the way... they were marking down all of the sandals and cute summer shoes 75% off. I even got a darling pair of hot pink boots for one of my grandgirls!!! woohooo
  9. It seems that its only toys that you purchased after May 1,2007. I had purchased many dora things at the beginning of the year from target and they were safe. There is a website you can go and check abou it http://www.service.mattel.com/us/. And this one tells you which is safe. http://www.service.mattel.com/us/recall/39054_IVR.asp We probably need to take this to another forum if we continue to talk about it but wanted to address this reply since it was mentioned.
  10. Toys are the same here... they were stocking the shelves with the new toys too. They had moved alot to endcaps but no more markdown
  11. They were marking things down further on the endcaps.. like pj packs and infant hats and baby shoes and socks. They had been 30% and they were marking them to 50%.
  12. http://www.cvs.com/CVSApp/cvs/gateway/promotion?pid=6036&step_nbr=160 3.00 coupon for 15.00 in hair products. I hope the link works for you
  13. Just got back from target.... bah humbug... nothing has changed. They were working in the baby department on the endcaps but nothing and noone in the toy department. I am beginning to feel like some of you other gottadealers, there isnt really much left that I would want even at 75% off. (but then I am SURE I can find something )
  14. Just got back.. still the same boohoo!!!! I just KNEW it was gonna be this week. I even ask one of the people that I THINK was a supervisor of some sort and they said they are condensing the shelves getting ready for the new toys next week ( for Christmas)I asked her if they were going to mark the old toys down further and she said probably but I really dont know when and then she said she was surprised they werent marked down more by now. SOOOOOOOOO who knows!!!
  15. Just left Target. When I got there (8:01am)there were 2 ladies in the toy aisle. I thought FINALLY and grabbed a basket KNOWING I would be filling it up. I said hi to the marker and she smiled at me and said morning (she is always so nice)so I started in aisle one.. nuffin marked lower; thought maybe she hasnt got to this aisle yet. Went to next aisle nothing lower.. I walked up to her and said.. "I hear there is a huge markdown going on" she smiled and said "yeah there is suppose to be but so far everything that I have price checked is already marked down to what the paper reflect". So WHO KNOWS what is going on. She did seem to think they were going to go lower but of course she didnt know when. I asked her if they would be marking things again tomorrow and the weekend and she said "No we only mark down toys once a week". hmmmmmmmmm... your guess is as good as mine. Needless to say... my basket was empty.
  16. our target has not marked toys down any further. They are still moving things to the 2 aisles that have all red stickers and they were condensing aisles this morning too. So they are up to something.. hahaha.. just dont know what yet!!!
  17. I have seen it both ways. Sometimes when they are all on adjacent shelves they just put a 75% off sign. The target in OKC marks their down after 8am so who knows what the routine is or even if there IS one hahaha.
  18. OK ran to Target to check out the booster seats.. ours are still 30% off... BUT, the toy aisle is being condensed. All the red tagged toys are being put in one aisle sooooooooo.... maybe this IS THE week...I will be there tomorrow at 8a.m just to see. It has to be this week sometime but when is the question hahahahah
  19. DOH... ok I need more coffee.. I was thinking it was Wednesday... geeez after you retire you forget day,time and date!!! Sorry
  20. Was at Target when they opened.. ran to the toy department.. nothing has changed and noone in aisles marking things down. :gdangry4: I couldnt even find the ones that usually are marking things down anywhere... so who knows. Maybe tomorrow!!!
  21. Target had all of their NEW dollar spot out. Have some pretty good deals. Hairbrushes;freezer packs;snack and sandwich ziplock bags all for a 1.00. None of the old stuff was there so no 75% off. Toys still the same and all the patio stuff was gone at our store. I didnt see any of the pricers marking things down. They were all working on back to school stuff. Maybe later this week?
  22. Dollar Spot black dot is back to 75% off but they dont have the signs up showing the discount. Just scan it! Seems like they had alot added too because I got some things that wasnt available before. toys were still the same and the clothes were still marked as they were last week. I bet this week is gonna be a big one!!! Lets hope
  23. I bought one of the train tables at Walmart a few months ago on sale and I was asking the same thing. then I looked at the picture closely and the train and track was included so check out the pictures and see if there is a contents list. I didnt see it until I looked closely. I would think ANY train set would work if it doesnt have one included.
  24. My target had the mickey mouse counting glove for 2.48. They also had the Shreik 3 plush animals for 2.48 (12.49 I think) Most toys were still 50% off. Maybe next week!!!
  25. Just got back from Target. Toys havent been reduced further here BUT.... the black dot dollar spot stuff is 50% off again.. but they dont have any signs up. Look for the black dots and scan them... I bet yours will be 50% off too. Got a little lunch tote ice chest for 1.25.
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