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About jbowman6827

  • Birthday 04/12/1975
  1. All of Santa's gifts here have always been wrapped in special paper with name tags and bows. I also remove all those horrible ties and add batteries to what is needed and then add it back to the box to wrap. Size does not matter as Santa is magic and can wrap any and all things! Santa leaves a pile of presents for each of my kids. I love to see my them rip the paper off to find what is inside, especially when DD13 and DD15 were younger and still believed.
  2. I got mine today as well...I love it and dd13 will too! Great price and cool gift...thanks again!!
  3. Thanks so much! My dd13 will love this in her room....she is such a girly girl!!
  4. My hubby and I never exchange gifts at Christmas. We love to buy for everyone else (especially our children) and would rather spend our time and money on all of them.
  5. My rule is that my children have to tell me what they want by the 20th of October. They each make their own lists and then give them to me. They also make a separate list for what they want grandparents and other family members to get for them, this way we have a "Santa" list only and then a "family" list only. DD 15: Wii Wii skin (Rebel Flag) A long list of games for Wii and accessories HDTV DD13: Laptop Gift Cards: Aeropostle, Claires, American Eagle and Pac Sun Purity Ring DS12: PS3 Long list of games and accessories Metallica necklace 30 Seconds to Mars dog tags We are also taking them on a 7-day Cruise the week of Thanksgiving that is considered to be part of their Christmas as well, but this means that I will miss Black Friday ....hoping some family will help me out!!!
  6. The "Odd" series by Dean Koontz Love It!!
  7. I have two brothers and one sister. My two brothers do not have kids yet, but my sister has 3. We have 2 children. The way we do it is that my sister and I buy for each others children with no spending limits. We simply get them either what they ask for or what we think that they would like. I usually spend around $20-$30 apiece on hers and she usually spends about $10-$20 apiece on mine. My brothers do not buy for either of our children. This may change once they start having children, but for now this works for us. We tell the kids that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' birthday and being together as a family...the gifts are just an added bonus!
  8. Glad to see that you got your gift....even if you had to get it late! I love the cinnamon roll candle...bet it smells yummy!!
  9. Thank you so much Amc5kidz for my SS gift! I sincerely loved the ornaments, the book light and the Christmas potholder! The brownies, of course, were enjoyed;) by all!
  10. My DD14 loved her Guitar Hero World Tour and her HP laptop about equal. My DD12 loved her Visa Gift Card (bought through BB&T Bank) the most. It had her name on it and can be reloaded. She went shopping with it today and says that she wants it every year from now on and for her birthday too.
  11. I wanted to wish all my Gottatdeal friends a very Merry Christmas! Thanks again Eve for putting his together for us this year and for letting me participate! Thanks to my SS who did an awesome job and to all of the people who I received Christmas cards from, they are all so nice!
  12. These snowmen are adorable! I might try making these with my kids, nieces and nephew on Christmas Eve. Thanks for posting it!
  13. So, this is not my cruddy gift, but my cousin's. Last year her mom gave her a roll of quarters, a pack of country ham (held 4 THINLY sliced pieces) and gave her the ticket from the gas station in which she had charged batteries (for my cousin's childrens' gifts) on my cousin's in-store account on her way to her house. So in total, she got 4 slices of thinly sliced country ham!!
  14. My daughter is 14 and here is what she has asked for, though she does not get it all: Guitar Hero World Tour Laptop Hoodies Books (she really likes the Sara Shepard series) Twilight posters make-up jewerly flash drive CD's (Nickelback and Saving Abel) Computer games Bath and Body Works Victoria Secret perfume Jeans Tees from Journeys Hope this helps!
  15. I love everyone's trees! They are all so beautiful and unique! I never thought much about a revolving tree, but I really liked this one...may have to look into one for my family next year!
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