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  1. Also saw a Twin Down free comforter $14.98 75% Off Wish they had it in blue-Only saw in green Camp Rock backpack $3.74 75% off Roman shades $9-11 75% off
  2. Jensen IJam DOcking Digital Music System of IPOd $17.48 75% off TV Picture viewer $12.48 75% Off Lots of photo Albums 75% off Speedo infant life vests 75% off Sunny Patch growth chart $1.98 75% off Disney Princess rug $7.48 75% off
  3. I am in California, One Target by me was 75% off and the Play Wonder was 50% off but I went to another one about 10 miles away and still only 30% off. Employee said there mark down team was behind.
  4. No baseball clearance here in California, but did get soccer cleats for $3.74 and shin guards for $3.24. Great for the upcoming soccer season.
  5. Oh my GOSH!!!!!! I scored at TARGET. I got a butterscotch for $62.00 I cant believe it, also the ESPN football $35.00. I have already gone to 2 Targets. As soon as I pick up my kids I am going to another one.
  6. She will pretty much just use for school work and some internet sufing, Nothing major. I stopped and talked to a Dell guy today. He explained alittle more to me. I really would like her to have a laptop, I just dont have a fortune to spend. Thanks for replys so far
  7. I found the cascade gelpacks at the Ventura,Ca. Target. When I did a price check, price said item not found, so I took to cashier and first they said no we cant sell but I talked the girl into selling for $2.99 Thats almost $10.00 off Yeah!!!
  8. I just tryed this one It is expired.
  9. I am looking for a new laptop for my daughter upcoming 17th b-day. I dont want to spend more then $700.00. Can anyone help? I would like AMD, min of 512 ram, a min of 80 gb , a wide screen and have wireless. Thanks
  10. I was at Target Oxnard, Ca 1-4 and bought the Hello Kitty warm and cold water dispensers for $9.98. 75% off Originaly $39.99 Theyt are sooooo cute. Still waiting for the 75% off toys.
  11. Can you use all of these
  12. Does anyone know what time all other BB items will be online?
  13. Ok here is my question- On the K-Mart add there are a few places in the pricing column where it says either B1G1F or B2G1F instead of a price. Does anyone know what this means? Thanks
  14. I believe that it will be HOT I subscribe to a yearly What toys will be hot this year and this is one of them. It is already selling for approx $20.00 then retail on Ebay.
  15. You need to go to a book store and buy the unoffical guide to Disneyland. Its updated every year. I used the unoffical guide to Walt Disney World last year and it made our trip AWESOME.
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