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Posts posted by StephanieD

  1. I have to agree on the Jansport. I used the same Jansport through high school and 4 years of college. I still have the backpack and I used it when I travel. It still looks great too! I've had that bag for 15 years. I kid you not. I'm just now realizing how long I've had it. Jansport is definitely reliable.
  2. My mom died suddenly this April and this will be my first Christmas without her. She was 58 years old and it was a suprise to us all. love the holidays and every time I start to get excited about the holidays, I get sad when I remember that she won't be here. I don't know how I'm going to do this season. I was a mess on my birthday and I'm sad every time another moth passes. I think this Christmas will be the hardest b/c it's the first one without her. My hope is that it will get easier as stacyk9 says. It's just difficult to see that now.
  3. My worst one was my first one.


    It was my first black friday and I was about 19 years old. My cousin had to work on black friday and he asked me if I would go to Wal-Mart and get him a TV. I agreed to go. Now, at that time I had no idea that Black Friday was that popular. I knew there were good sales...but c'mon. lol Well, mother agreed to go with me and she told me that I would want to get there before Wal-Mart opens. I thought she was exaggerating and I arrived at Wal-Mart 15 minutes before the store opened thinking that would be plenty of time. When I pulled into that packed parking lot, I realized I should have listened to my mother. I was at the back of the line (of course). When the doors opened, there was this surge towards the door. I have to admit that it was fun. I got separated from my mother but I pressed on towards the TVs. I managed to get one and I looked around for mother and I still couldn't find her. I had the money so I went ahead and checked out. The line was surprisingly short b/c most people were buying multiple items and were still shopping. So, I bought the TV and put it in my car and then I went back in to find mother. I found her sitting on bench with a TV in shopping cart. She had gotten one just in case I wasn't able to get one. I told her that I'd already bought the TV and she gave the TV she had to a very grateful lady (she had missed out).


    As you can see, the shopping experience itself wasn't bad. What makes it the worst for me was that I must have caught something that day b/c I was sick as a dog late that night. I woke up that night sick and I spent Saturday throwing up.

  4. I know that some people set the elf up to appear as if he has been involved in some mischief. For instance, you may put him in the kitchen and dust some flour around to appear as if he's been playing in the flour when your kids find him. You could put him on the bathroom counter and stream toilet paper around the bathroom to make it appear as if he's been playing with the toilet paper. Just little stuff to get the kids excited. Others may have other ideas. :)
  5. My husband and I we usually make our plans t he night of Thanksgiving. We the head out early the next morning. It depends on what stores we need to go to as far as how early we leave. We usually go to about two stores and then we go get a quick breakfast at McDonald's. We then go to a couple more stores just to look around and then we finally go to the mall and look around there until we get tired. We used to go to Cracker Barrel, but since my husband and I have move away from family, we go to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving and then go to the movies. So we just pick a restaurant to eat at before we go home.
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